A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention to their work can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Your participants will be more efficient at their job, make fewer mistakes, and overall be more productive.
Attention Management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and how to reach their personal and company goals. Your participants will gain valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more attentive and vigilant.
Welcome to the Attention Management workshop. A distracted workforce is less than effective. Employees who do not pay attention to their work can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Attention management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and how to reach their personal and company goals.
Every company and every manager wants to increase productivity. Constant access to information and the expectations to do more with less is overwhelming the workforce. People are easily distracted at work. Attention management allows managers and employees to increase their productivity as well as their personal job satisfaction.
There are different types of attention that we all use to function in everyday life. Different types of attention are required for different situations. When attempting to manage attention, whether personal or organizational, it is essential to understand the different types of attention and how each type functions.
Goals are continually linked to attention management. Success, on both a personal and professional level, demands effective goal setting. Goal setting, however, requires careful strategy and execution. Simply writing down a list of things to do is not goal setting. Goals need to be made on an emotional and intellectual level in order to be achieved successfully.
The brain travels through different patterns of brainwaves in sleeping and waking states. Meditation affects brain activity and allows users to control these patterns. EEG’s show the changes that meditation brings to the brainwave patterns. Each brainwave is connected to specific activities such as sleep, attention, meditation, hypnosis, music, and relaxation. Different meditation techniques will have an impact on the different types of brainwaves. Understanding meditation demands an understanding of the five basic brainwaves.
There are different methods that allow people to train their attention. While some of the methods may seem counterintuitive to attention management, there are great benefits to practicing them. Visualization may seem like a waste of time that should be focused on work, but it is not. Each person is different, and it is important to find a method or combination of methods that work best for you.
There are four different attention zones: Reactive, Proactive, Distracted and Wasteful. These zones were introduced in an earlier module. The attention zone determines productivity as well as personal stress levels. Attention management allows people to move out of stressful or unproductive zones and manage their time wisely.
The importance of goal setting has already been addressed. In order to achieve these goals, however, it is essential to create SMART goals. SMART goals guide people as they works towards an end. They eliminate confusion and increase satisfaction. While they are a staple in business settings, SMART goals are able to motivate personal and professional goals.
Staying focused is easier said than done. Even with SMART goals and schedules, there is always something trying to distract us. We can become overwhelmed by everything that we have to do. Looking at the big picture can be discouraging and cause us to lose heart. Fortunately, there are useful methods that help people stay focused.
Everyone is guilty of procrastination from time to time. Procrastination is the enemy of productivity. When we procrastinate, we put off doing what we need to do. We usually procrastinate with leisure activities that gratify us for the moment but hurt our chances of long-term success. There are ways to fight off procrastination.
Successful attention management demands that you learn to prioritize your time. Establishing priorities shows you where to focus your energy. Priorities should be used to create goals and schedule your time. There are different tools available that will help you prioritize your time.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your ATTENTION MANAGEMENT skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!