Multi-level marketing, also known as MLM, is a business marketing strategy that many companies use in order to encourage current agents to perform while at the same time growing the team by recruiting and training new agents. This tactic of marketing helps boost the company’s sales force not only from the sales of the primary agent, but also from the sales and profits of the agents they have recruited.
With our “Multi-Level Marketing” workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how multi-level marketing works and how to effectively source agents. For many companies, it can prove to be a valuable tool for not only building revenue, but also for building their marketing and networking circles.
For many business people, the thought of multi-level marketing can seem kind of scary. It is often misrepresented as a ‘pyramid scheme’, which can make some business owners weary. Others may simply not have any information about it. But with a little education and training, many people find multi-level marketing a great tool for their company
Multi-level marketing, also known as MLM, is a business marketing strategy that many companies use in order to encourage current agents to perform while at the same time growing the team by recruiting and training new agents. This tactic of marketing helps boost the company’s sales force not only from the sales of the primary agent, but also from the sales and profits of the agents they have recruited. For many companies, it can prove to be a valuable tool for not building revenue, but also for building their marketing and networking circles.
One of the most powerful tools of the marketing industry is an employee’s list of contacts, or their ‘black book’. A contact list should include a wide range of people, including current and former clients, managers, coworkers and even former employers. Keep your contacts up-to-date and check in with them periodically to ensure they can become a great help when needed.
One of a marketing company’s greatest tools are their employees and agents. The key to successful marketing is being able to recruit new agents and build the company. Although the task can seem intimidating, there are certain tips and processes to follow in order to gain new members for your team.
Finding the right candidate for your marketing team can seem like quite a challenge, but luckily there are a variety of methods available to help draw them in. Let your potential agents know what the company has to offer and what they can expect from it. One of the main key points is to find agents that would not only adapt well to the orgnization, but can also make a meaningful contribution to it.
Now that you’ve successfully recruited new marketing agents to join your team, what do you do with them? In order to keep agents with your company and make them a functioning part of the team, they must receive the proper training and learn how to do what they were hired to do. If new agents don’t receive adequate training after being hired, many will quit.
For new agents, a sponsor and/or a mentor can be a great resource and tool to have in their corner. Since the agent is new, they will need feedback and guidance to help them become successful in the company and ensure they are not engaging in any negative behavior. Establish sponsors or mentors for agents during their probationary period so that they can have someone on their side from the start.
One of the final steps of the recruiting process – and ironically, the main thing that brought in new agents for training – is creating and using a marketing presentation. The presentation is meant to bring in new recruits and persuade them to join the team, so new agents will need to learn how to not only create these presentations, but be able to effectively deliver them to an audience.
Social media is a tool that links people from all across the globe. With the rise of technology, social media has become a whole new world in the marketing industry. Since people are able to connect over the click of a button, the marketing industry is adapting new ways to reach out and attract new clients, customers and agents.
Before an agent can go out into the world to seek new agents, they have to know the rules and methods of how to recruit them! Any person can put on a presentation and hope that new agents will flock to the company. But a trained agent will have the answers when the recruits have questions, and will know what to say when they have doubts.
Ethics in the workplace is essential and everyone’s responsibility. Not only should new employees be trained in company ethics policies, but current employees should act as role models and leaders on how to act in the workplace. Clients will investigate any company they want to do business with, so it is important to ensure they see a positive and ethical stance from the company.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to learning multi-level marketing is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!