Many studies have found that public speaking is the number one fear amongst most people, outranking flying, snakes, insects, and even death. Ironically, it is also one of the skills that can make or break a person’s career. Your participants will be provided a strong set of skills that will complement their current presentation skill set.
The Presentation Skills workshop will give participants some presentation skills that will make speaking in public less terrifying and more enjoyable. This workshop includes topics that participants can look forward to including: creating a compelling program, using various types of visual aids, and engaging the audience.
Welcome to the Presentation Skills workshop. This program can benefit anyone who presents; a trainer, a meeting facilitator, speaker, or seminar discussion leader. No matter which role you are assuming, this workshop will help you become more efficient and proficient with the skills of providing information to others.
We will look at the beginning steps to follow when creating a plan to improve your Presentation Skills. The first thing to look at is to perform a Needs Analysis. This will help you to understand your audience and provide you with the answers to a few basic questions. A basic outline and some minor research would then be utilized to help create the basic program that will assist you in developing greater Presentation Skills.
Now it's time to determine what methods you will use to deliver your presentation. We will be beginning by covering basic delivery methods. Once we have a good foundation and grasp on the basic methods we will delve into more advanced methods.
Communication skills are needed to be able to provide an excellent presentation. Without being able to verbalize your ideas and opinions there is very little chance of having a successful presentation. We will begin by looking at listening and hearing skills, asking the correct questions and finish with communicating with more power.
Understanding your body language and other physical cues is very important when you are presenting material in front of an audience. Your non-verbal communication skills are just as important as your verbal skills. Combined they make up the complete communication package that you use when you are presenting your material.
Nervousness is normal when giving a presentation. After all, public speaking is the top fear in the top ten lists of fears. Nervousness can strike at different points in a presentation: • At the beginning • If you feel the audience has slipped away from you • If your memory betrays you. This module will provide you with concrete strategies for overcoming presentation jitters.
Information written on flip charts enhances the learning process. During a presentation, the use of flip charts serves to inform participants, record information, and focus attention on a topic. They represent a simple, low-cost learning aid -- with no requirements for power or technology, and no worries about burned-out bulbs or darkened rooms. Flip charts add versatility to a presentation, and allow the presenter to use creativity to enhance the learning process.
Microsoft PowerPoint is a commanding tool for creating visual screens for a presentation. Visuals created in PowerPoint and projected on a screen are often easier to see in a large room than information displayed on a flip chart. Using PowerPoint offers the following benefits: • Allows you to add emphasis to important concepts, helping to increase retention of information • Adds variety to your presentation • Makes it easier to display images, charts, or graphs possibly too complex for a flip chart. Also, PowerPoint files can easily be shared with participants or others after the session.
A whiteboard is the name for any glossy-surfaced writing board where non-permanent markings can be made. Unlike the predecessor chalkboard, there is no chalk dust, and markings remain longer than they would on a chalkboard. Whiteboards have been around since the 1970’s, and are now vastly improved and more affordable compared to early models. The use of a whiteboard helps to promote interactivity during a presentation.
Audio and video are very much a part of our everyday lives, so they are accepted --and even expected media in a presentation. They are attractive options for a presentation because they provide learners with more dimensions by which to receive information. While video and audio both represent a one-way communication to participants, the opportunity to use them as part of learning exercises or in the ensuing discussions adds value to the presentation. Video There are three main ways to obtain video material: • Creating your own media using a small personal video camera • Purchasing off-the-shelf video designed for training presentations • Hiring a professional video production company. Your media budget, the amount of available preparation time, your comfort and skill level with video, and the type of presentation will all influence the direction. Audio Audio can be used as a standalone option, as part of the video, or even created by the participants, such as an exercise to write and sign a song.
Bringing it to the next level is something you can accomplish after feeling comfortable with all of the previous topics discussed. You can add the little touches that will produce a lot of value during your presentation.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your presentation training skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!