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Conducting Annual Employee Reviews

An annual review can help you keep your employees happy, engaged, and focused.  It is human nature to want to succeed.  Giving your employees feedback on their positive and negative attributes is part of the pathway to success.  A poorly designed annual review can have the reverse effect.

With our Conducting Annual Employee Reviews workshop, your participants will discover how to conduct a well-designed employee review. By determining the categories for an annual review and understanding how it affects employee compensation, an overall increase in performance should be seen throughout your organization.


  • Understand the process of conducting an annual review.
  • Determine the categories for an annual review.
  • Know the mistakes managers make during an annual review.
  • Understand the concept of pay for performance.
  • Know how to tie employee compensation to firm-wide returns.
  • Know the value of employee communication.
  • Gauge employees’ happiness.
Introduction : Getting Started

Any great boss will tell you that employee reviews are a cornerstone for having happy and productive employees. Employees need to know what their strengths and weaknesses are. Once an employee understands their performance, you and the employee can take steps to improve their weaknesses.

Module 1 : How to Conduct Annual Reviews

An annual review can help you keep your employees happy, engaged, and focused. It is human nature to want to succeed. Giving your employees feedback on their positive and negative attributes is part of the pathway to success. A poorly designed annual review can have the reverse effect. In this module, we will discover how to conduct a well-designed employee annual review.

Module 2 : Categories for Annual Review I

In this module, we will discuss a few different categories or criteria that can be included in your annual review. First, we will learn about company missions and values. Next, we will review customer service and quality control, and problem solving. Lastly, we will address annual reviews and production.

Module 3 : Categories for Annual Review II

There are many different categories for an annual review. We have discussed company mission and values, customer service, problem-solving, and production. In this module, we will discuss a few other categories that you can use in your annual reviews.

Module 4 : Common Mistakes Managers Make when Conducting Employee Reviews I

Annual employee reviews can be a great asset for a company, if done correctly. Unfortunately, we are all human and are prone to make mistakes. It happens! Think of this module as a road map to show a few of the major pitfalls to watch out for, and avoid. Avoiding these pitfalls can help your annual review be a smooth ride!

Module 5 : Common Mistakes Managers Make when Conducting Employee Reviews II

Unfortunately, there are a lot of different mistakes that a manager can make when conducting an employee review. We have addressed some of those pitfalls, but not all of them. In this section, we will discuss some additional issues. By the end of this module, you should understand some of the major pitfalls of employee reviews.

Module 6 : Successful Tips for Concept of Pay for Performance

When doing annual reviews, it’s common to financially compensate for good reviews. When dealing with money though, there are some issues to watch out for. In this module, we will discuss some of the ways you can make financial compensation a positive change to your annual review process.

Module 7 : How to Tie Employee Compensation to Firm-Wide Returns

When you are administering employee reviews, the overall goal is to have happy employees. Employees who are happy and engaged help raise productivity and profits throughout the company. In this module, we will discuss how to tie your annual reviews to profits and productivity.

Module 8 : How to Communicate Employee Expectations Effectively

In any relationship, communication is key, and that includes the employee – supervisor relationship. Good communication can impact all aspects of your company. In particular, when you are implementing an employee review process, you need to be able to communicate what you expect of your employees.

Module 9 : : Meaningful Questions to Gauge Employee Happiness I

In the end, employee reviews lead to happier employees. Happier employees mean better productivity for your company. In these next two modules, we will discuss some of the ways to help keep your employees happy.

Module 9 : Meaningful Questions to Gauge Employee Happiness II

We discussed some of the ways you can make sure your employees stay happy. We talked about the importance of asking questions, and keeping management transparent. The importance of having a good facility, and asking employees to contribute their input on making better the processes in the company were also examined. In this module, we will review more ways you can keep your employees happy.

Conclusion : Wrapping Up

Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to conducting annual employee reviews is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!