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InfoPath 2010 Expert

Your participants will learn how to use the advanced features of InfoPath 2010. This workshop is designed to go beyond a basic understanding and to explore the more advanced features of InfoPath 2010 in a practical way. This workshop incorporates a hands-on approach to learning.

InfoPath is a powerful solution for collecting data from users on a variety of platforms. Microsoft InfoPath 2010 has new great features, such as the Office Fluent UI, and the ability to customize SharePoint list forms in just one click. Are you ready to take your organization to the next level with Microsoft InfoPath 2010?


  • Set options, including form submission, publishing, and advanced form options
  • Customize the Ribbon and the Quick Access toolbar
  • View form template properties
  • Understand trusted locations
  • Apply a digital signature or multiple signatures to a form
  • Set confirmation messages
  • Disable digital signatures
  • Sign form templates digitally
  • Use Properties for text box controls, list box controls, combo box controls, option buttons, check boxes, hyperlinks, calculated values, sections date pickers, and pictures
  • Modify a control
Introduction : Getting Started

Welcome to the Microsoft InfoPath Designer Expert Level course! Get ready to unlock even more features of Microsoft InfoPath Designer to get your information and business processes running smoothly. This course will dive deep into the InfoPath environment, as well as help you conquer digital signatures, all control features, using commands and switches, formulas and functions, and rules, queries and data submission. You’ll be an InfoPath expert when you finish!

Module 1 : Working with the InfoPath Environment

In this module, you’ll learn more about customizing your InfoPath template. First, we’ll start with the InfoPath Options. You’ll also learn how to customize the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar. This module also explains how to set form submission options and advanced form options. Finally, we’ll take a look at the Form Template Properties.

Module 2 : Working with Digital Signatures

This module will help you with form security. First, you’ll learn about trusted locations. You’ll learn how to apply a digital signature to a form, including single signatures and multiple signatures. You’ll also learn how to set signature confirmation messages. This module explains how to disable digital signatures, as well as how to digitally sign the form template itself.

Module 3 : Doing More with Controls

Sometimes InfoPath doesn’t always create the right type of control when creating controls from fields. In this module, you’ll learn how to modify a control to correct that, as well as to make a field read-only or to require input. You’ll also learn how to set the default value for a control and how to change the binding. Finally, we’ll take a look at how to filter the data that is displayed in a control.

Module 4 : Working with Control Properties (I)

In this module, you’ll get a closer look at a few of the controls you will be using on forms. This module looks at text boxes, list boxes, combo boxes, option buttons, and check boxes. The Control Properties dialog box for each one helps you finalize the controls.

Module 5 : Working with Control Properties (II)

This module will take a closer look at a number of additional controls. We’ll look at hyperlink, picture, date picker, calculated value and section controls.

Module 6 : Using Commands and Switches

In this module, you’ll learn how to use commands and switches to customize the form filling experience. You’ll learn about commands a switches and the different types you can use. You’ll also learn how to use a switch, as well as how to make a reusable switch.

Module 7 : Using Formulas and Functions

This module lists all of the functions that you can use in InfoPath. But first, you’ll gain an understanding of how you can use formulas and functions in InfoPath. Then we’ll cover the date and time functions, the field functions, the math functions, the text functions, the URL functions and the user name function.

Module 8 : Using Action Rules

In this module, you’ll learn how to use rule to perform several different actions. First, we’ll look at showing a message based on certain conditions in a selected control. Then, you’ll learn how to show the value of a field. You’ll also learn how to switch views, handy for next or back buttons or to show different views based on the user’s role. We’ll also learn how to create a rule that set’s a field’s value, such as when you’d like to show the total of items entered by the user. Finally, we’ll take a look at a rule that opens a new form based on certain conditions.

Module 9 : Using More Action Rules

We’ll look at more of the action rules in this module. You’ll learn how to create a rule that signs a signature line. You’ll also learn how to create a rule to close the form. The last action rule we’ll look at is creating a rule that sends data to a WebPart. Finally, we’ll learn more about advanced condition scenarios.

Module 10 : Using Queries and Data Submission

In this module, we’ll continue looking at rules, but as they have to do with queries and data. First, we’ll look at using data entry patterns. Then, you’ll learn how to create a rule that queries for data. Finally, you’ll learn how to create a rule that submits data.

Conclusion : Wrapping Up

Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your InfoPath Designer 2010 skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!