Director LPS Training Services
Making quality service delivery as its major focus, the company is reputed for its unrivaled classroom/online training services to clients from around the world. LPS Training Services was founded by Mr. Alan, in 2016. Since then, Alan has been working with other like-minds in pursuing the vision of the establishment. The company is being managed by professionals with years of experience in online training services.
In order to ensure unhindered flow of knowledge, the management of the company has expertly designed a contemporary learning platform to provide the duo of learners and educators with the best equipped, secure and integrated system. This provision has been a major selling-point for the company as people have always attested to the enabling environment and knowledge-enhancing atmosphere of learning put in place by the authorities of the firm.
In the same vein, LPS Training Services is a demand-driven establishment supporting the needs of small scale, medium-sized and large organizations. Although still in its infancy stage, LPS Training Services has offered satisfactory services to all kinds of firms within and outside of Singapore. The company has met their needs and increased their level of productivity through training and retraining of their staff and management team for resourcefulness and competence fit for the 21st century business environment.
Further, LPS Training Services is distinguished for its flexible learning system. The company has enough human resources for carrying out its services. The arrays of exceptional services offered by the firm are: the conventional classroom learning, in-house learning, well-coordinated online training and on-field training. The classroom learning affords learners and educators the opportunity of interacting physically in a stimulating and knowledge-inspiring context.
On the other hand, the in-house training is specifically mapped out for firms who are willing to send in their employees for special training in some defined areas of their career. However, the online training takes place through a virtual process. This has been designed in a very flexible and interactive manner to enhance adequate understanding. Some of the choices for online training are Video Learning, eBook Learning, Audio Learning, Game-based Learning. This gives learners the opportunity to learn during the most comfortable moment for them. Also, with the LPS Training Services e-Learning structure, learners can sit in the closet of their rooms and be part of the learning process.
The field training is usually conducted for learners in their work environment. This is more practical and engaging. It allows both the educators and students to have a direct engagement with the working tools and learn new skills that will ultimately translate into increased productivity and output for their organizations.
The LPS platform is highly flexible, expertly designed and well optimized. The site can be accessed using any device. Also, it can be reduced to any size convenient for the user per time. The platform is very secure and every detail entered is treated as being confidential. The company does not disclose any of your information to a third party. There are a group of experts working tirelessly to ensure the platform is always safe for use by both the trainers and learners.
In order to ensure all services rendered by the company are of standard, LPS Training Services is organically structured. Apart from the founder, the firm also welcomes progressive-minded partners in the name of investors. Those who believe in the goal and mission of the company can always contribute to it financially. The benefits and responsibilities of each investor are well spelled out in order to avoid conflicting situations.
There are three service arms (Management, Administration and Operation) in the company. Each of the departments are manned by creative, ideologically-driven board of directors. All the three directors are founding members of the company. So, they understand the ideals and values of the establishment. Each director manages the affairs of their department and hold meetings at intervals to birth, assess and evaluate ideas for the uplift of the company.
The company has thrived on its integrity and good name. LPS Training Services values relationship. The management of the company go out of their comfort zone to provide worthwhile services for clients at all times. The firm is always on the upward moving track due to the innovative ideas that are always implemented. Also, the management are always optimistic, not only about the future of the company, but also on the feasibility of achieving their goals without derailing. These values and cherished ideas have distinguished LPS Training Services from its competitors in the industry.
Training are designed to meet individual, group or departmental, and institutional needs and objectives to Educate people, Enhance skills and Encourage Technology Usage for all and increase employ-ability Globally. We strive to individual learning and development as the means for creating a better workplace environment and for building a stronger Organization.
We have an overall mission of increasing efficiency for both the employers and employees in the workplace. We want to promote employee development that will in turn lead to organizational effectiveness through the arrays of our professional training services. All our training services are designed to meet specific needs in the modern-day organization. We provide an enabling environment that is apt for knowledge exchange, intellectual interactions and stimulating learning process.
LPS Training Services is solution-driven. We have compiled many problems bedeviling both small and large organizations, analyzed them and then, drafted out practical solutions as our course contents. We offer this at a very affordable rate. We aim to see a work environment where the employee feels valued and productive. We seek to provide a universally acceptable solution to employees’ unproductivity, Luke warmness and sheer incompetence which have been identified as the major setbacks for organizational growth.
To achieve the above stated mission, we have specifically designed courses aimed at meeting the needs of individuals, group or department and an institution as a whole. All our courses seek to nourish and enhance the skills of the workforce in an organization. Both the employers and employees are educated on their roles, what they can further do to put their firms on the path of prosperity.
In order to make this a reality, the 21st century employee must be encouraged to use and maximize the opportunities offered by technology. This, we believe, will not only solve specific problems within an organization, but will also lead to increased employability globally.
We believe that if individuals are well-imparted and developed, their efforts will create a better workplace environment which will in turn build a stronger, virile and solid organization. It is the zeal and passion of individuals at the workplace that determine the level of productivity of the entire organization. There is no firm that works on its own; there are some group of ambitious people behind every industrial monumental growth. These set of ‘ambitious people’ are always scanty in establishments. So, it is our mission to get people who can be inspired, made to see their essence in an organization and passionately commit themselves to achieving whatever goal is set by the firm.
We develop both the mental and psychological orientation of workers to make them fit into whatever environment they find themselves. This effort has turned many of our trainees to universal assets that are considered as perfect fit for companies situated in any location around the world. More so, their efficiency and commitment to work is always a source of inspiration for their colleagues in the same department.
Further, we know that our valued mission cannot be fulfilled in a vacuum and as such, our programs serve as paradigm shift from what is obtained in every other place. Our educational programs are practical and research-based. We first study each worker’s needs and shortcomings before knowing how to educate them for increased productivity. This, of course, cannot be possible in the absence of technology.
LPS Training Services also understands that developing and training employees without educating their management team on how to become better human resource managers will render our efforts futile. So, we also educate employers on how to handle their employees in every given context in order to get the best out of them. When both the employers and employees are committed to pursuing the same goal, using modern day technology and skills, it becomes extremely easy to achieve.
At LPS Training Services, we are goal-driven; what has helped us to maintain focus since coming into the market is our commitment to achieving our set goal before the given deadline. First, our goal is propelled at building a new platform that is more users-friendly, well laid-out and unique from other sister sites. The new website will be created to reflect an improvement over the existing one. All the comments and experiences of users will be taken into cognizance in building another one.
We want to create a simple but professional website whose layout resonates what we stand for and displays our array of services. The new website is to better define our values, expertly echo our quality services and ultimately, give visitors a memorable experience that will lure them to visit and take actions on the site some other time.
Furthermore, the goal of LPS Training Services is to reach a wide range of audience and meet their needs by the end of 2019. This is our major goal and why we still maintain relevance in the market. LPS Training Services is primarily founded to proffer solutions to the problems of productivity and organizational redundancy which is fast becoming a global phenomenon among both small and large scale firms.
By the end of 2019, we hope to have trained and equipped many employees and employers adequately on their job roles and how they can work collaboratively as a team to meet the needs of their organization. Our major focus is to ensure small scale organizations are also solidly established and contributing their quota to the development of their various sectors.
Ultimately, we hope to be a universal reference point for organizational problem-solving and human capital development. Through our platform, we want both small and large organizations from across the world to find practical, insightful and easy-to-implement solutions to the mirage of problems confronting them. We want to break the yoke of boundaries, culture of waste and geometric redundancy of workforce that is now prevalent among organizations in the world.
In order to make this goal feasible within the set time frame, the management of the LPS Training Services has put in place, modalities for assessing and reviewing the company’s policies from time to time. The progress report will ensure we are still on the right track of pursuing the goal we are committed to and if it can still be achieved by the end of 2019.
An indispensable tool to achieving this goal is technology. Our platform gives flexibility of usage; this is to cater for everyone that needs to use the website. More so, the resources provided on the website are thoroughly researched, well designed and expertly compiled. The materials for e-learning are in four different formats, this is to help our goal of reaching many trainees and trainers in the world over before the end of 2019.
The first O stands for open mindedness. An innovative mind is a creative mind. We constantly improve on our services by opening our minds to new innovations. It is our resolve that whatever we are doing well at present can be done better. In the same vein, we teach our students to open their minds to progressive ideas in their workplace. Multi-national companies are idea-driven. Just being monotonous in thoughts impedes personal and organizational growth. We teach our clients on how they can birth new ideas which will in turn redefine them and what they represent.
The S connotes simplicity. Despite the unarguable increase in technological inventions, it is also undeniable that it comes with many complications. This is what we seek to simplify. The modern day organization requires the tools of technology to function effectively. So, we teach people how to use these tools in a simple way to get the desired results. When things are complicated, they are usually difficult to produce envisioned results. This has been one of the recurring problems faced by employees in many organizations in the world. Also, our training processes are simple and very flexible. You don’t have to be a computer guru before you can be a participant of our educational programs.
The second O means optimism. We are very optimistic about the future and how we can help workers realize their goals. No matter what the aims of your organization are, LPS Training Services shoulders the hardest part by training the human resources on the best means to approach the goals. Many employees are pessimistic of the goals of their workplace and this has always contributed negatively to realizing the goals. When the goals are approached using simple methods, they become feasible to achieve. Thus, we teach on how the company can make the goals realizable without giving in to compromise.
The T symbolizes teamwork. Humans are social beings and nothing tangible can be achieved in isolation. Organizations are grouped into departments because they have to work together as an entity to achieve common goals. At LPS Training Services, we work as a team to pursue the common goals of the firm. This is the spirit we also inculcate into our clients. Usually, many employees are psychologically disturbed while working with some other people; they see themselves instead of seeing the bigger picture of the organization. Teamwork is indispensable in every organization. This is more important for small organizations who have to solidify their goals and establish themselves in the ever competitive market.
The last S stands for success. Ultimately, we strive for success. As an organization, our aim is to achieve our set goals within the given deadline. Success is well-defined when the organization progresses as envisioned. We teach employees how to strive for ultimate success in their endeavors. We make them understand the psychological impact of recording great feats in the workplace. Instead of seeing success as what belongs to the firm alone, they should rather see it as the output of their efforts.
In all the world over, logos are symbols of corporate organizations. They are apt representations of the goals of companies. This situation is not different with LPS Training Services. Our logo is conspicously displayed at the top left-hand side of our website. One of our core values is simplicity and this is depicted with the physical shape of our logo. It is simple but embedded with many symbolic meanings; it resonates what we live for and our vision for coming into the market.
The acronym of our Company, LPS are conjoined to form hectagon but with open spaces at each joint. The P and S are designed in black while the L comes in red. Also, the L is curved to sit at the beneath of the other two letters. The two colors used in the design of the logo is a symbol of our tolerance for people of different backgrounds, status, professions and religions. It connotes that we at LPS Training Services are non-discriminatory and enthusiastic to work with anybody, no matter what part of the world they hail from. This concept has widened our boundaries.
In the same vein, the open spaces at each edge of the logo are symbolic of our unending quest for innovations. We are innovative minds, relentless on finding new, globally acceptable and the easiest way of meeting the needs of professionals and corporate organizations from around the world. Our minds are not closed to novel ideas. Training people is our passion and the muse in us flows naturally. An attempt to close the gaps will amount to taming our creative minds from constant thinking.
LPS Training Services is centrally structured; the Company is built on well-defined structures and this has prevented any form of chaos. The central space in the logo signifies the point in which all the innovative thoughts of individuals and each department are harmonized for implementation. Before any decision is implemented, it first passes through trial and discussion stages and then, the Board of Directors will make recommendations to the Executive Chairman for him to give final verdict. This is what safeguards the Company from making too many errors.
Also, the letters P and S are designed in a way that they can be mistaken for each other to show the unity of purpose in the Company. At LPS Training Services, all the departments work as a single entity instead of being in an unhealthy rivalry. The saving arm of the L also connotes its readiness to help the two letters at all times. That is how the three departments in the Company has been operating since inception.
The letter L that has its edge facing downward is a metaphoric connotation that the Company is firmly rooted and established while the P and S are designed to ‘look higher’ to show that the future of the establishment is bright. We are moving higher and breaking new grounds daily.
The whole layout of the logo is no doubt professional and inspiring. This is what we stand for; being professional in all our conducts to systematically deliver our result-oriented lessons to our revered clients.
LPS Training Services has established itself as the go-to online training provider in Singapore. Recently, our services have been requested for by clients outside of the country. What has made this feat possible within our short stay in the market is the quality of our compelling and charming services. We treat all clients as being special.
Apart from finding perfect solutions to the needs of our students, we still stay by them and give them special assistance until they are totally improved. The quality of our online training service is unrivaled, undisputed and world standard. Clients who had requested the services of other firms before LPS affirms to the uniqueness of our services. We are tireless leading force in the industry; we have the ultimate aim of revolutionalizing online training services in Singapore and all around the world.
Our first-time clients have reasons to subscribe to our services again. Apart from offering a world-class training services, we also value human relationship. We appreciate people for who they are and not for what they are engaged in. To us, every client, whether employees or employers, should be revered, loved and cherished. At LPS Training Services, quality service is interwoven with agape love.
There are modalities in placce to always ensure you are satisfied with any of our services you subscribe for. Our board of directors expertly co-ordinate the affairs of their departments to ensure things are orderly. Clients’ feedbacks have also helped us to improve a lot. We understand that we are imperfect beings and sometimes, our actions and inactions may be misconstrued. So, we appreciate clients who take out time to register their grievances and we always provide sincere responses.
Whatever you are looking for in an online training services can be found with LPS Training Services. We run a demand-driven firm that prioritizes the needs of its clients over monetary gratification. We are set out to make impact and change the lukewarm attitude in both small and large organizations. We first listen to your demands before providing you with our services; we don’t just give you what we have, we offer you what you need. There is no worker who has been part of any of our trainings and does not feel impacted. LPS Training Services is no doubt a one stop online training service provider.
The pacakges we offer at LPS are charming and enticing. A trial of any of our training and educational programs will definitely convince you to pitch your tent with us. Clients who first came as individuals later got their companies registered for our services. We are professionals who are proud of what we do; it is our passion and we give everything it takes to make a difference!
Our slogan, one stop online training services, is not just a mere bait to lure people to our side, but what we have been known for since our company was established. No matter your present level of productivity, we can always work on you for improved productivity in your workplace.
The tag line of LPS Training Services depicts what our establishment stands for. We teach in a professional way by being systematic about individual’s needs. We understand that we need to step out of our comfort zone to get an online training service co-ordinated and result-oriented. This is done by applying the best modern and globally-acknowledged learning parameters to solving organizational needs.
A mind that is closed to learning is shut out of lofty, world-ruling ideas. This is the reason why LPS Training Services encourages both employees and employers of all kinds of organizations to constantly go for world-class seminars and training. Through our online training services, we enhance the skills of the workforce of organizations for improved productivity. Our learning modules are specific, demand-driven, solution-inspired and universally-implementable. We want workers to learn work principles that can be applied in any part of the world.
By learning professionally, LPS Training Services does not teach vague principles. Our course materials are expertly designed to meet the needs of professionals. We understand that our clients are professionals who are keen on improving themselves in some defined areas of their chosen careers and not just after seeking general knowledge. We make the learning process truly professional and provide a conducive atmosphere that is fit for such exchange of knowledge. Each student has unfettered access to their trainer; we allow interactive sessions so as to identify the need of each trainee.
Our trainers are experienced in various fields. While teaching, they draw out of their wealth of experience to make the learning process more real and vivid. At LPS Training Services, we look beyond mere paper certification and work on both the mental and psychological cognition of employees. Beyond what they were trained for, there are other psychological factors hindering their efficiency in the workplace. These, we recognize and solve professionally.
Also, the learning process is always systematic. LPS Training Services is known for being organized and offering satisfactory services at all times. By being systematic, we first identify the problem, diagnose and professionally analyze it. Then, we come up with a globally acceptable step-by-step solution. Unlike it is done in many other firms, we do not believe in providing our clients with the solutions alone without letting them know how and why the problem came up in the first instance.
Also, by being systematic, both employees and employers will be able to prevent similar problems about what they had learned in the future. They will also have a better understanding of their workplace. All our teachings are detailed, well-harnessed and stratified to simplify many of the organizational complications in contemporary firms.
Ultimately, we make use of technology to ease the learning process and achieve our goals. Since most of our clients are professionals, we make everything flexible so that they can learn when they feel it is most comfortable for them.
For organizational efficiency and increased productivity, there is no alternative to professional and systematic learning and this is what LPS Training Services is reputed for!
The World Learning Management System or WLMS, is a new initiative that will enable the whole world to access one e-learning platform. This system will manage online courses, will distribute course materials, will make possible the collaboration of educators and students and will also help parents to monitor the progress of their children and educators to communicate with parents about the progress of the students. Every aspect of the course will be managed, including student registration and the storage of test results. Students will be able to access lessons and assignments digitally. There will be no need to spend money buying and shipping printed materials because they will not be needed. Furthermore, the educators will be able to keep in touch with the students, even when there is a disaster such as a hurricane, earthquake, floods or an epidemic. This disaster management feature is what makes the WLMS truly special since it is the only system that will be handling such situations.
This system will be the backbone of the majority of e-learning related activities. This innovative tool will be a Tripartite system that will facilitate Ministry of Education (MOE) students, Parents and Teachers. It will integrate nine different types of learning methods under one roof; Tuition management system (TMS), E-learning management system (EMS), Video management system (VMS), Audio management system (AMS), E-Book management system (BMS), Classroom management system (CMS), Webinar management system (WMS), Game-base management system (GMS), and Forum management system (FMS). It is also designed to cater for the visually challenged, the hearing challenged and those who cannot speak.
WLMS will be the biggest communication management system between educators, students and
parents. It will have a built-in functionality that will allow communication between educators and students, for example, via sending out bulk email to all the students taking a particular course. It will also be possible for educators to schedule automatic emails that can be used to inform students of upcoming tests or learning sessions. The system will also provide a forum or chat room that students and educators can use. Furthermore, a reporting system will be included that will allow educators to tap into it and tuition services will be provided for those students who need it.
This system will feature both synchronous e-learning methods and asynchronous e-learning methods. Each of these two has its own advantages. Synchronous e-learning methods include videoconferencing, online chats and instant messaging. They are in real-time, meaning that educators and students can ask and answer questions instantly. Instead of learning on their own, the students can interact with the other students and with the educators as the lesson is going on. The main advantage of real-time e-learning is that it does enable the students to not feel isolated. This is because they are able to communicate with the other students all through the process of learning. E-learning enables numerous students to take one e-learning course simultaneously.
Asynchronous e-learning can happen even when the educator or the student is offline. Examples of such e-learning methods include those delivered over the web, via email or via messages that are posted on forums. The advantage of asynchronous learning is that the student is able to work on the curriculum at his or her own pace and at the time that is most convenient for him or her. Educators are only human and there is a chance that they would get impatient with slower learners or the more out-of-the-box learners. The good thing with asynchronous E-Learning is that it never loses patience with the learners. Also, asynchronous e-learning does allow unlimited access and retrieval of electronic learning materials. Information and knowledge are available to the students both day and night from any location. Students can review current or past information/knowledge stored in courses they have taken or content repositories over and over again. The advantages of using a WLMS are mostly from the automation and centralization of functions that accrue from adopting almost any enterprise system.
Other advantages of using WLMSs include; the lessening of costs through decreased training redundancy and reduced operational errors and down-time; the maximization of efficiency through the integration of content delivery, reduction of complexity and the costs related to auditing and the leveraging of existing resources via the inclusion of established policies and procedures; using the existing training material and links to “off-the-shelf” commercial computer-based courseware.
If a WLMS is being utilized to facilitate the switch from classroom instructor-led training (ILT) to eLearning in the organization, then the following additional advantages can be expected from this switch to eLearning that will be delivered and managed by the WLMS: The E Learning content can be designed to support many different types of languages; E-learning has the ability to reduce costs by one-third. Furthermore, it can either lessen the time needed to achieve instructional objectives by one-third or it can increase achievement by one-third; there is no need to pay salaries because no instructors are needed; there are no overheads such as paying rent or buying property because no classroom facilities are needed.
WLMS does not discriminate against disabled students, including the visually challenged, the hearing challenged and students who cannot speak. There is no time delay when it comes to updating and deploying E-Learning content on a WLMS. It can be done immediately. Policies can be set up to control accessibility to E-learning content. WLMS administrators can therefore control who sees what, using different permissions settings. Different E-learning content can be delivered to individual students according to the characteristics in their user profile, for example, their job role. E-Learning has the ability to enforce standards and uniformity in training. It does ensure that everyone using the system gets the same information in the same way. There are no differences based on differences in educator styles, knowledge, or preferences. E-learning can be designed so that information can be updated in multiple content objects from one source. In other words, course creators have the ability to change information in a content object or database, and that change will be automatically made everywhere that particular information appears (in multiple objects).
E-learning content has the ability to adapt dynamically to each student’s preferences and learning needs, for example, by utilizing SCORM sequencing. The assessments have the ability to evaluate each student’s level of knowledge and learning progress and then change the learning experience so it is not too difficult or too easy for the student. Pre-tests can allow each student to skip parts of the E-learning content that they already know.
E-Learning does develop students into better learners. It allows a student to choose learning activities that best fits his or her own background, interest, and career, rather than forcing the student to be a passive receptor of information chosen or prescribed by other people. Research has shown that eLearning does lead to more active student participation than classroom learning. In the next section, we will look at the nine-learning methodology.
They are:
E-learning Management System (EMS), Video Management System (VMS), Audio Management System (AMS), E-book Management System (EMS), Classroom Management System (CMS), Webinar Management System (WMS), Game-base Management System (GMS), Forum Management System (FMS) and the Tuition Management System (TMS).
LPS Training Services is well structured for efficiency and maximum result. The industrious Mr. Alan is the Master Trainer/Adviser of the firm. Another set of people that play a crucial role in the development of the Company are the investors. They are major stakeholders who believe in the goals and fortunes of the company.
However, the main drivers of LPS Training Services are the Board of Directors. The company has 3 directors, each manning an important department. They work as a team to ensure the firm is not distracted from its goals. They also meet from time to time to review the company’s progress and birth new ideas on which the firm survives. The Board of Directors are: Managing Director, Operation Director and Administration Director.
The Managing Director is the chairperson of the work department of the firm. She also manages three sub-departments: sales, marketing and production. The Sales Unit makes contact with global and local schools and also international trainers. This unit markets the services of the company to the relevant stakeholders.
The Marketing Unit is in charge of press releases, advertising and digital marketing. This unit serves as the image-maker of the Company. They keep the public informed about the activities of the Organization. They also market the firm to relevant agencies and corporate organizations.
The Production Unit is in charge of quality control management. They ensure that clients’ feedback are treated with utmost attention and sincerity. The unit produces the curriculum of the firm. They all report back to the Director who takes the final decision on any given issue.
The Operation Director oversees the affairs of three sub-departments; client care, online care and syllabus care centers. The Client Care Center cater for the needs of students, trainers, customers and corporate bodies. They interact with the clients of the organization, get to know what each client’s needs are and how they can be met within the shortest possible time.
The Online Care Center handles the company’s website. They constantly improve the platform, make it user-friendly and maintain it. The website layout, professional touch and easy navigation are the major focus of this unit.
The Syllabus Care Center is referred to as the powerhouse of the firm. They develop course manuals for local and international students. They also draft out the teaching manuals for trainers. This unit is research-based.
The Administration Director is in charge of the human sector of the Company. Her department is also divided into three: Admin, Finance and Human Resources. The Admin Unit documents all minutes and transactions in the Organization. The Unit organizes and co-ordinates meetings. These meetings are announced on the Company’s website weeks before they come up.
The Finance Unit prepares the payroll, accounting and payment details for the Firm.They ensure the workforce are paid promptly.
The Human Resources Unit manages human capital. They recruit new, capable hands that can perfectly fit into the Organization’s goals.This unit is also in charge of the welfare of the members of staff. They make everyone feel valued and important. More importantly, they conduct training and seminars for the workforce to enhance their skills for increased productivity.
He had been on the project since 1999 but it only came into fruition in 2016. As the Founder, Mr Alan is responsible to oversee management of the Firm; he develops ideas and plans strategically for the growth of the Company.
Alan has a whooping four decades of experience in Criminal Behavioral Studies. He has imparted over 120,000 people from across the world with his wealth of knowledge. Alan is an unapologetic lover of education. He recently completed his studies in Advanced Certificate in Training & Assessment (ACTA) and Diploma in Advance & Continuous Education (DACE). At present, he serves as a Master Trainer in LPS Training Services. He has been relentless about building a One Stop Online Training Services (OSOTS) for the coming generations.
Alan seeks to build a Company that facilitates the development of the workforce of modern organizations. With the help of other experts, the Founder has lined up series of training that can be taken by both employees and employers to improve and enhance their cognitive skills in the work environment. These programs are practical, research-based and interactive. His many years of experience on the field comes to play in this regard. He professionally co-ordinates the programs of the Firm as the Master Trainer.
The Founder is value-driven. His ultimate aim is to impact his generation with great skills that will make them survive the stiff competitions in the modern industries. He is taking the advantage of technology to simplify work process, teach efficiency and encourage teamwork. He wants to inspire the young minds to think creatively, see themselves as problem-solvers and get prepared for leadership roles.
Instead of taking employees back to the four walls of classroom for vague and theoretical teachings, Alan advocates for a new brand of knowledge importation which is solution-driven. This is a form of subtle revolution he has by establishing the LPS Training Services. As an evidence for his advocacy, his Firm runs a very flexible program for professionals. The LPS platform can be accessed via any device. More importantly, each student can take the training when they feel is most convenient. The lectures also come in different forms- eBook, video, audio and text. So, students go for the one(s) they think will stimulate their understanding faster.
Further, in order to make the Company realize its founding objectives within the shortest possible time, Alan institutes an organizational structure that is disciplined, organized, professional and well coordinated. He delegates duties to the Board of Directors who in turn oversee the affairs of their departments. He receives feed-backs from the directors and makes final decision on crucial issues affecting the company.
Ms Laavenya is the Managing Director of LPS Training Services. She has been with the company since it was established in 2016. She reports to both the Board of Directors and the Executive Chairman. She has the primary responsibility of coordinating the affairs of her department which is divided into three sub-divisions for efficiency and accountability.
She strategizes ideas for the optimal performance of the Company. She develops and implements policies worthy of raising the financial status of the Firm. She has been the image-maker of the Organization globally. She prepares, edits and publishes press statements on local and international media. Her office markets and advertises the Firm to the outside world. Her qualification as an information technologist has greatly helped in using the instruments of the new media to publicize the Company.
Laavenya with the rest of the management team works tirelessly to get materials and course manuals produced for students and trainers of the institution. Her department also oversees the quality control program. They have always ensured that clients have the best experience while transacting business with the company.
Laavenya’s Department has been recording successes in different shades due to her zeal, commitment and passion for work. She maintains effective communication between the board and members of staff under her. In the cases of misunderstanding, she brokers peace and gets the department back to its feet.
The Managing Director is also an astute financial manager. The Company started making profit since its first year of establishment and her financial fortunes have always been on the increase. Due to her proficiency in financial management, many investors have seen LPS Training Services as the go-to Company to invest their hard-earned money. All these have contributed to the monumental growth of the Firm.
Laveenya is the brains behind the overall strategies that make the Establishment to be pulling waves despite stiff competition from more established firms. She assesses the managerial policies of sister companies, finds ways LPS can improve on that and then, creatively births new ideas from them. This is the secret behind the constant innovations in the Company.
Educationally, Ms Laavenya obtains her Diploma in Information Technology from Nanyang Polytechnic in 2015. At present, she is pursuing her first degree in Psychology in the prestigious University of Wollongong, Australia. Her choice of Psychology was dictated by her urge to have a scientific understanding of how the human mind works and how it can be affected for improved productivity. This has also helped her immensely in her role as the Managing Director of a young, sprouting Company.
Ms Laavenya is highly industrious. She effectively combines her supervisory roles with education and despite the busy schedules, still births ideas that are scaling up a new establishment into global standard within two years. She believes ideas rule the world and everyone should be given the freedom to try out their lofty ideas. This is her philosophy about life and workplace productivity. Every member of the management team attests to her uniqueness and zeal for work.
Ms Pavithiral is one of the foundational members of staff of LPS Training Services. Since she joined the establishment, she was assigned the role of the Operation Director and she has been acting in that capacity till this moment. She meets with the Board of Director to foster and harmonize progressive ideas through which the Company thrives. She also reports back to the Executive Chairman and gets directives from him.
Her role as the Operation Director requires that she works with other departments for the smooth running of the Organization. Primarily, Ms Pavithiral’s Department professionally evaluates business operations, receives and implements business guidelines and strategies developed by the management team. To ensure all guidelines are properly implemented, she contacts other team members from other departments.
The Operation Director also ensures the Organization meets her financial targets for every fiscal year. She conducts a timely and regular assessment of the financial activities of the Company and alerts the relevant organs in case of any noticed leakages. Her mastery of this role is evident in the financial report of the Firm. She has been proactive about the financial details of the Company and this has saved LPS Training Services from running into loss. Her proactiveness in this realm has also led to an unimaginable increase in the financial worth of the Firm.
Ms Pavithiral with the rest of her team also reviews the working practices of the Company in order to identify and eliminate redundant ones. One of the goals of LPS Training Services is to demand and solution-driven. In order to achieve this, the operation team keeps tabs on the courses that are not as impactful as envisioned and either improve on them or get them canceled. This has always depicted the Company as being innovative-minded. The constant review of the working practices ensures the practical teaching process of LPS Training Services is not lost to mere theories. Before a program is deemed successful, it has to scale through a series of tests put in place by this Department.
Further, Ms. Pavithiral puts safety modalities for the workers in place. LPS Training Services does not subscribe to risking the lives of her employees in order to achieve her set goals. She comes up and enforces safety regulations in the workplace.
More importantly, the Operation Director has the role of motivating all the employees of the Organization in order to get the best out of them always. She substantiates this by organizing regular professional seminars and manpower training for the Organization’s workforce. All the workers of the Company feel loved, valued and cherished. This is one of the secrets of the Firm’s success.
Apart from catering for the needs of the workforce, assessing the working practices in the company, Ms. Pavithiral also has the responsibility of ensuring that all the activities of the Company are in tandem with its vision and mission statement. Her team members also conduct investigation into customer satisfaction level and in the case of unpleasant result, work on changing ther perception of the client about the establishment.
Ms Senaiga is one of the few members of staff that started LPS Training Services in 2016 with the Executive Chairman. Since her resolve to work with the then newly birthed Organization, she was assigned the role of an Administration Director. She has competently manned this office since then. Just like the other two directors, Ms Senaiga reports back to the Executive Chairman and meets with the Board of Directors for managerial discussions.
She is in charge of the administrative duties of the Firm; she manages the day-to-day running of the Company. Her roles are basically human and what becomes of the other two department is dependent on her efficiency. In order to make her work easy and organized, her Department is further compartmentalized into three units. Each focuses on a specific assignment and reports back to her.
Ms Senaiga ensures everything is in order for the uninterrupted running of the office daily operations. She also has an important role to play in determining the financial fortunes of the Comapny. She negotiates and approves contracts after due consultations with the relevant authorities. In her negotiations, she puts into consideration, the proposed benefit(s) of the contract to the company and how a symbiotic relationship can be facilitated through the job.
In the same vein, it is part of her numerous responsibilities to manage vendor relationships. She ensures an enabling environment is provided where the vendors are treated with comfort and some sort of respect. She uses her years of experience and expertise to resolve grey areas with vendors without leading to crisis.
Ms. Senaiga’s role requires her to be flexible, always active and dynamic. Humans are the most difficult to effectively manage in an organization. As such, she is not expected to be dogmatic and tie herself to any given rules; she has always gone outside of the box to facilitate changes that subsequently translated into unexpected growth for the Company. She uses her initiative for considerable judgment and makes independent decisions in the best interest of the Organization.
As the Administration Director, Ms. Senaiga also comes up with and supervises operation procedures that bolsters the Organization’s standard. She ensures the integrity of LPS Training Services is not toiled with by making authoritative and internal decisions confidential. Her physique also helps her to efficiently perform her office routines as she easily bends and stoops to get files arranged.
Another charming skill of Ms Senaiga is her communication skill. She is unarguably an attentive listener. She converses with clients and other major stakeholders professionally and articulates her points in a convincing manner. The utmost importance she attaches to correspondence has better redefined the Company’s integrity with her clients. Her eyes are very bright as there have never been any mix-up in treating emails and other reports that come to her desk. The roles of Ms. Senaiga demand that she is always available in the office. Her office prepares the workforce for the implementation of the policies drafted by the other departments. Her expertise and passion for work is widely acknowledged by both the clients and the company’s employees.
One of the pillars of LPS Training Services is Haley Magdalene King. Haley joined the Company when it was still young and since then, has been one of the wave-makers in the Firm. Her contributions to the growth and development of this establishment are unquantifiable. She shoulders both administrative and teaching responsibilities and she has been amazingly impressive in both. Her sense of decency and quest for success has carved a niche for her in her chosen career.
At present, Haley competently serves as the Marketing Director of LPS Training Services. Even though her duties are very demanding due to the fact that the Organization was just established some few years back, she has performed excellently well that many organizations founded many years back have been luring her with higher pay. However, her resolve to work with the LPS Training Services’ team has kept her here till this moment. She has demonstrated vast mastery of her calling and more so, she updates herself on ways she can improve on the manner she handles issues.
LPS Training Services has become a household name and the go-to Organization in Singapore and abroad because of the way she and her team has portrayed the team to the outside world. Our publicity and marketing team works round the clock to get things fixed and our image properly portrayed. When a section of the Organization thought growth should be slowly gradual, Haley was optimistic that real growth is when the Company and its ideals are professionally marketed and people get to know of it within a short period of time. She championed this ideology and proved herself right within few months.
Haley understands that the strength of an organization lies in their ability to convince the public about their services. This, she expertly does without any iota of exaggeration or wrong portrayal of any of our services. The common testimonies of clients from all walks of life has been that our services and advertisements are replica. LPS Training Services does not believe in hiding under catchy phrases and expressions to market what we cannot offer. All our marketing procedures take place after any of our new services has been test-run, approved by the management and yielded in-house positive results. Unlike many other firms, our marketing team does not project unlikely outcome of our services to the public.
Haley’s penchant for building relationship is also worthy extolling. As a marketer, her charming smile, irresistible show of love and adoring attention to everyone that comes her way has made it very easy for her to win the hearts of many. Thishas put the Firm on the path of success since its establishment. Due to the efforts of Haley’s Department, LPS Training Services has never run at loss for once. This is the pride of everyone that is associated with the Company. Also, this has been the assuring reason many investors are willing to invest their finances on our Firm.
As herculean as her job is, Haley collaborates with other management staff in the Company to build new frontiers and hatch world-class ideas worthy of catapulting LPS Training Services into limelight globally.