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Bank Security Training Ideas

Elangovan, October 2, 2019

In many parts of the world, it is required of banks to train their workers before deploying them to their duty posts and the training should also be carried out from time to time during their stay with the organizations. Apart from having a full grasp of the sector, another fundamental area where banks are required to arm their workforce with the appropriate knowledge is on security. Banks are regularly faced with threats from both internal and external factors and they must be ready to fight them head on. However, it has been noticed that most banks are not proactive in their approach. This is something that hurts me in an inexplicable manner. That is why I have championed the need for bank workers to be trained in a very dynamic way. Recently, I came out with a course titled ‘Banker’s Clearance Module—Level I & II. I will discuss this in its very depth in the concluding aspect of this piece.

The fact is that there are endless possibilities in a security training program; your training doesn’t have to be boring. It can be engaging, lively and impactful if you understand the way the game should be played. Rebecca Herold, an information security and privacy consultant also agrees to this point. Among the ideas she has used successfully in security training programs is bringing in a guest speaker with firsthand knowledge of a real-world, high-profile security breach. Another time, she showed The Billion Dollar Bubble, a commercial movie dramatizing one of the largest insider frauds ever at a financial institution in the U.S. They could relate to how those computer systems were misused—it showed the power of the computer and programmers (Angilillo, 2007).

Today no one would dispute that better security awareness training is a priority in financial institutions, particularly with the proliferation of types of fraud and regulations to prevent it. Imagine having the customer call desk staff alert your security team whenever they receive a less than normal phone call or getting tellers and officers to be able to spot the shady identification. To be sure, having an aware workforce makes the chances of appearing in the latest statistics on data breaches less likely (Angilillo, 2007). If all these can become the normal culture in your organization, then you understand that your firm is really burning and no criminal dare come near it. This is what the Banker’s Clearance Module is based on. I drafted a course that focuses on the inner ability of the members of staff. I mean, the bank should not be overly dependent on security officers when in actual fact everyone is an embodiment of security. All that is needed is to get someone who understands the game and can activate the zeal in all levels of employees. This is the idea behind my novel course.

Winn Schwartau, president of The Security Awareness Company gave some tips on how to make security training enjoyable. The best first step, according to him, is to find out what your employees already know about your security policies and procedures. This pre-assessment can be done using online software packages. Then different methods can be used to train different types of users (Angilillo, 2007). This is also what you stand to gain when you attend any of my trainings. I ensure that lectures are handled according to the needs of the participants and not according to what I feel they need to know. What has always made security trainings dry and unappealing is that many trainers are not demand-driven; they don’t inquire into the needs of the trainees.

Many security training sessions are usually scary due to the manner in which the trainers handle them—they are usually undiplomatic about it. Andy Zavoina (2019), however, gave a good response on the way to go about this aspect of the lecture. He said: “Mock hold-ups can be useful, and very real. If orchestrated in advance, those participating can be convincing without being scary. Those watching can still learn. I have seen mock hold ups that were intended to represent a horrific gang robbery, but my experience indicates that many robberies are not that way. There is a single person with a note who says they are armed. They may or may not show a weapon. Staff needs to be prepared for this as well.” Preparing ahead in all circumstances has great and unimaginable benefits.

Bank security training is usually based on some selected areas:

Opening and Closing: Bank security training includes opening and closing procedures that minimize exposure to robbery. The opening procedure may include having two people to open the bank – with one going inside and the other remaining outside to observe – having an all-clear signal and programming cell phones for the emergency line of the given territory. The closing procedure may include not allowing any person entry once doors are locked, careful inspection of the interior of the bank, and activation of the alarm system (Michael, 2019).

Robbery Response: Banks train their staffs to keep calm in case of a robbery, to make no sudden movements, to memorize details about the robber and to note the direction of escape. Training may also include post-robbery procedures.

Security Devices and Measures: Though banks may concentrate on training security staff on the operation of security devices, they may provide some training for all employees in operating, testing or maintaining the devices. Training areas may include protecting cash and other assets in secure spaces, ensuring adequate lighting during the night, using cameras and alarm systems, and operating tamper-resistant locks on doors and windows (Michael, 2019).

However, my training is a little bit higher and well-refined than those mentioned here. I spoke on body language, lies and deceit detection, the security features of a document, how to look out for fraudulent documents and impersonation. The five topics are bothered on both security and efficiency. There is no gainsaying that the training is encompassing and very different from has been in vogue. It moves to tap into the inner strength of bank workers for the betterment of the society.


Angiolillo, P (2007). Making Security Awareness Training More Engaging And More Effective. Retrieved from

Michael, J (2019). Bank Security Training. Retrieved from

Zavoina, A (2019). Robbery Training And Mock Hold Ups. Retrieved from

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