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Access 2007 Advanced

This workshop is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2007 in a practical way. The participants will learn how to use the advance features of Access to help them better manage a database. This workshop incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advance features right on a computer.

This workshop is meant to provide a safe learning environment where they can practice and learn Access 2007 Advanced functions without worrying about making mistakes. Making mistakes is a part of learning and is expected in this workshop. Taking the time to learn the advanced features of Access 2007 will increase their knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2007 database easier for everyone.


  • Use advanced form tasks
  • Use advanced reporting tasks
  • Understand relationships
  • Use advanced query tasks
  • Work with SQL
  • Link data
  • Import data
  • Export data
  • Use advance database tools
Introduction : Getting Started

Welcome to the Advanced Access 2007 workshop. This workshop is designed to teach you a deeper understanding of Access 2007 in a practical way. You will learn how to use the advance features of Access to help you better manage your database. This workshop incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. You will get both teaching and a chance to practice some of the advance features right on a computer. This workshop is meant to provide a safe learning environment where you can practice and learn Access 2007 advance functions without worrying about making mistakes. Making mistakes is a part of learning and is expected in this workshop. Taking the time to learn the advanced features of Access 2007 will increase your knowledge on how databases work and make creating and managing an Access 2007 database easier for you. We anticipate being her for a few hours so we should get to know each other better.

Module 1 : Advanced Table Tasks

Once you have tables created in Access 2007, you can use advanced settings to set properties and controls. In this module, you are going to learn the following concepts in Access 2007: • Using the property sheet • Adding, moving and removing controls • Formatting controls • Setting the primary key

Module 2 : Advanced Form Tasks

In Access 2007, forms and other tools makes imputing data and manipulating information easy. Use forms to gather information quickly in an easy-to-use format. In addition, convert collected data in to charts and tables with ease. You are going to learn the following in this module: • Creating a subform • Creating a split form • Creating a modal dialog • Creating a pivot table • Creating a pivot chart

Module 3 : Advanced Reporting Tasks

Access 2007 offers advanced reporting functions that allow you to structure your report the way you need it. In this module, you will learn the following on advance reporting tasks: • Using report sections • Grouping and sorting data • Adding calculated controls • Creating labels We are going to start with using report sections

Module 4 : Understanding Relationships

Relationships in Access 2007 are essential if you want to cross-reference data from one table to another. Access gives you the ability to view and edit the various relationships contained in your database. This is what you are going to learn in this module: • Types of relationships • Viewing relationships • Editing relationships • About referential integrity • Establishing referential integrity We are going to begin this module with understanding the types of relationships in Access 2007

Module 5 : Advanced Query Tasks

Querying is an essential task in Access 2007. Your ability to query your database makes finding information more organized and efficient. In this module, you will learn the following on querying: • Sorting and filtering a query • Adding calculated fields • Using the Expression Builder • Using logical functions

Module 6 : Working with SQL

In this module, you are to learn a more about Structured Query Language (SQL) and it use in Access 2007. Here this module’s concepts we are going to learn: • What is SQL? • Understanding SQL statements • Basic SQL syntax • Uses for SQL in Access

Module 7 : Linking Data

Access 2007 gives you the ability to link your database to other programs. Linking your database to other programs makes your database more accessible to others. In this module, you are going to learn the following on linking your Access 2007 database to other programs: • Linking to an Excel spreadsheet • Linking to an Access database • Liking to a SharePoint list • Linking to a text or XML file • Other types of links

Module 8 : Importing Data

In the previous module, you learned how to link your Access 2007 data to other programs. Access also allows you to import data from other programs. This module will discuss the following concepts on importing data: • Importing from an Excel spreadsheet • Importing from an Access database • Importing from a SharePoint list • Importing from a text or XML file • Other types of imports We are going to start this module with importing data from Excel.

Module 9 : Exporting Data

Access 2007 gives you the ability to export data from your database and incorporate in various types of formats. This module will discuss the following topics related to exporting data from Access 2007: • Saving an object as a PDF • Exporting to a SharePoint list • Exporting to a Word or text file • Other types of exports We are going to learn how to save data as a PDF first.

Module 10 : Advanced Database Tools

Access 2007 provides additional tools to help maintain your database. Regularly analyzing and maintaining your database will ensure it is working properly. This module will discuss the following concepts related to Access database tools: • Using the database documenter • Analyzing table performance • Analyzing database performance • Repairing a database • Compacting a database Let’s begin this module understanding how to use the database documenter.

Conclusion : Wrapping Up

Although this workshop is ending, we hope that your journey to improve your Access 2007 Advanced skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!