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Business Etiquette

This course examines the basics, most importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and ‘the handshake’, conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette. Have you ever been in a situation where:

  • You met someone important and had no idea what to say or do?
  • You spilled soup all over yourself at an important business event?
  • You showed up at an important meeting under or overdressed?

Let’s face it: we’ve all had those embarrassing etiquette gaffes. Our Business Etiquette workshop will help your participants look and sound their best no matter what the situation.


  • Define etiquette and provide an example of how etiquette can be of value to a company or organization.
  • Understand the guidelines on how to make effective introductions.
  • Identify the 3 C’s of a good impression.
  • Understand how to use a business card effectively.
  • Identify and practice at least one way to remember names.
  • Identify the 3 steps in giving a handshake.
  • Enumerate the four levels of conversation and provide an example for each.
  • Understand place settings, napkin etiquette and basic table manners.
  • Understand the meaning of colors in dressing for success.
  • Differentiate among the dressy casual, semi-formal, formal and black tie dress code.
Introduction : Getting Started

Welcome to the Business Etiquette workshop. Success in any industry relies on relationships, whether with co-workers, clients, suppliers, or investors. When you’re well-mannered and considerate in dealing with others, you create engaging, productive, and long term business relationships. As such, it is important to learn, not just the technical side of a business, but how to conduct one’s self in the company of others. This is where business etiquette comes in. This workshop will introduce participants to business etiquette, as well as provide guidelines for the practice of business etiquette across different situations.

Module 1 : Understanding Etiquette

Before we look at etiquette rules across multiple business-related scenarios, it’s best to level off everyone on what etiquette means. We would also look at the many ways business etiquette can improve a company or an organization’s bottom line.

Module 2 : Networking for Success

When you’re networking, it is important to make the most of the first meeting. In this module, we’ll discuss how to create an effective introduction, make a good impression, minimize nervousness, use business cards effectively, and remember names.

Module 3 : The Meet and Greet

An introduction is almost always accompanied by a handshake and conversation. In this module, we would discuss the three steps that make an effective handshake and the four levels of conversation.

Module 4 : The Dining in Style

Conducting business over meals is a great way to build business relationships. Meals make for a more casual atmosphere compared to offices, and are therefore more conducive for a relaxed discussion. In this module, we would discuss some of the etiquette rules when dining with business associates such as understanding place setting, etiquette rules while eating, and ways to avoid sticky situations.

Module 5 : Eating Out

In the previous module, we talked about etiquette guidelines relating to dining in style. In this module, we will look at basic courtesies to be observed while eating out, including guidelines in ordering in a restaurant, intake of alcohol during a business meeting, paying the bill and tipping.

Module 6 : Business Email Etiquette

Email is a convenient and effective medium to conduct business communication. In this module we will discuss etiquette guidelines on how to address an email message, the use of grammar and acronyms in the letter body and top 5 technology tips.

Module 7 : Phone Etiquette

This time we will look at telephone etiquette. Particularly, we will discuss how to develop an appropriate greeting, how to deal with voicemail and cell phone do's and don’ts.

Module 8 : The Written Letter

Even in written communication, appropriate tone, content and format must be observed. In this module, we would discuss how to write a ‘Thank You’ note, a formal letter and an informal letter.

Module 9 : Dressing for Success

A significant part of practicing etiquette is proper self-presentation. The way you look talks to people, not just how you want to project yourself, but also the courtesy you have for the people in your company. In this module, we would discuss guidelines in dressing for success. Particularly, we would talk about the meaning of colors, the meaning of dress codes and guidelines on how to choose the right clothes to wear.

Module 10 : International Etiquette

Etiquette is heavily influenced by culture; each country and nation has their own set of rules for polite behavior. When dealing with an international clientele, or when conducting business in a foreign country, it’s best to be aware of local etiquette guidelines. In this module we would discuss general rules in international etiquette, important points, and ways to prepare.

Conclusion : Wrapping Up

Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your business etiquette skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!