Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and instant messaging. Developing writing skills is still important in the business world as is creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas) giving you that extra edge in the workplace.
The Collaborative Business Writing workshop will give your participants the knowledge and skills to collaborate with others and create that important document. Your participants will touch on the types of collaboration, and ways to improve them through certain tools and processes. These basic skills will provide your participants with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.
Collaborative business writing is a growing trend among industries because it is a concept that utilizes the talent and knowledge of several individuals to create one final piece of work. Since collaborative writing in the workplace can be done by several different employees, the final work can feature several different views, aspects and opinions that may not be seen if the job had been completed by one person. This concept is also helpful when companies have large projects to finish, since it can be broken down into several ‘parts’ for team members to complete individually.
Collaborative writing is often simply defined as a project or piece of work that is created by a multiple of people combined together. It has become especially useful in many companies that prefer employees to work together on a project or require a large assignment to be divided into smaller parts in order to be accomplished on time. After each employee has finished their share, a group leader or editor works to assemble the parts together to create a final work or project.
Collaborative business writing can cover a wide range of documents and projects, including proposals, memos, letters and even instruction sets. Typically the type of collaborative writing used depends on the type of project at hand and how it will need to be completed. Based on a number of factors, the collaborative team can best determine what type of collaborative writing would give them the best result in the end.
It’s called ‘collaborative’ writing for a reason. Collaborative business writing requires a group, or team, of members to work together and create a final written piece. Each member is usually assigned a certain role or duty individually while still working toward the group goal. We may not always be able to choose our team members, but we can make sure we are allowing their own talents can contribute to a successful finished project.
Collaborative writing can be a lengthy process so it is always a good idea to use various tools and processes to help ensure the flow of work and progress. Larger projects often require some sort of outline or guide; while smaller projects may need closer team member cohesion. As with all forms of collaborative work, factors such as the type of project and the employees involved will better determine what tools or processes work best for the optimal result.
Style guidelines refer to a set of standards or formats used when creating new writing materials, such as setting typography, graphic design aspects and even text content. In collaborative writing, it is important to set these guidelines at the beginning of the project. This lets every team member know what is expected of them and allows them to ‘be on the same page’ as the rest of the group while they are working.
All teams or groups have their share of problems when working together – this is just human nature. Many of these problems are worked out during the ‘Storming’ and ‘Norming’ periods of adjustment. But some problems can happen latter within a project and could affect the work of others. These problems should be addressed right away and ensure that they do not pollute the group.
As with any group or project, the team can experience collaborative barriers. Some can be caused by the work itself, such as writer’s block or trouble with research, while other barriers are caused by team members and problems with leadership. It is important to address the possibility of any barriers at the beginning of the project and let employees know how they can be reported/handled.
Conflict is a normal part of any group – whether it is between two people or several. It is better to confront and manage conflict rather than avoid it, so it is important to know different strategies and methods to use. If conflict is not handled properly, it can lead to more harm for the group. But when handled in a positive manner, it can provide an opportunity for growth a development.
Even with exceptional team members, collaborative writing cannot be done without good project structure. Collaborative writing is most successful when a clear outline or guide for the project has been established and used a tool of reference for everyone. Once the various tasks of assigning the group leader and outlining team responsibilities has been completed, the group is much more prepared to work and will know what is expected of them.
Collaborative writing is an important part of any business and can be done for a number of purposes. Writing in groups and teams has proven its ability to aid in problem solving, critical thinking and even social skills. For these reasons and more, companies will take advantage of the knowledge employee’s offer and use collaborative writing on a number of projects/tasks.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to collaborative business writing is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!