It is easy to overlook the importance of contract management because it seems to be a boring, mundane topic. Contracts, however, are the basis of most business relationships. If contracts are managed well, business relationship will flourish. If they are not, companies face financial loss, relationship harm, and damaged reputations.
With our “Contract Management” workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how contract management works and how to effectively source agents.
It is easy to overlook the importance of contract management because it seems to be a boring, mundane topic. Contracts, however, are the basis of most business relationships. If contracts are managed well, business relationship will flourish. If they are not, companies face financial loss, relationship harm, and damaged reputations.
Every business relationship relies on contracts. Contracts are made with vendors, employees, customers, partnerships, etc. These agreements must be managed carefully, which is where contract management comes into the picture. In order to effectively implement contract management, however, it is necessary to understand what it entails.
One of the main problems with contract management occur when contracts scope. Many issues with contracts occur at the beginning of the process when people are unfamiliar with the laws that govern them. Contract management is rooted in laws and ethics. A contract is not enforceable if it is not a legal. It is essential to have an understanding of the laws that govern contracts and adhere to the ethical standards established in order to avoid problems in the future.
RFPs and other requests will determine who partners with you, so they need to be the best. Choose your bidders and design your RFPs carefully. Once you have all the information, carefully evaluate your options, taking compliance into consideration. By doing this, you are more likely to find success in your future endeavors.
We have already addressed some basic contract types and laws. When beginning the contract process, it is important to ensure that the contract created is legal, beneficial for all parties, worded correctly, and that the terms for compliance are clear. Fortunately, there are numerous tools available to help improve the contract creation. It is always a good idea, however, to have legal counsel involved in contract development and management.
After crafting the first draft of the contract, negotiations begin. While the goal of negotiation is to create an agreement that is beneficial for both parties, it is also a good time to go over the contract with a fine tooth comb and identify any noncompliance or potential pitfalls. In Negotiating contracts, it is important to be prepared, professional, and prioritize all terms.
Contract managers should constantly be assessing the performance. Determine that goals are being reached and requirements enforced. By creating metrics and measuring performance, it is possible to improve activities and increase the success of the contract.
Like any other interaction, contract management requires the careful cultivation of relationships. A relationship that runs smoothly will produce better results for all parties involved. The key to relationship development is treating people with respect. Maintaining a professional relationship is not only good business in the present, but it also creates contacts for the future.
Even the best-negotiated contract agreements can require changes. After a contract is executed, amendments will modify the terms of the original agreement. Many contracts include the clauses that require all amendments be in writing and signed by each party. The amendment only changes specific details, such as delivery details. There is more than one way to amend contracts, and it is possible to use more than one option at a time.
Audits are an often seen as unpleasant but necessary tasks. With the right preparation, however, such as careful planning, evaluation, and execution will help ease the process and reduce the stress that can occur with business audits. Having a strategy is the difference between a chaotic experience and a smooth transition to the next phase of the process.
At the end of the contract management process, it is necessary to determine if the contract relationship expires or if the contract will be renewed. An option to renew should be included in the original contract. The renewal process will be guided by reviews, which will focus on accuracy and other factors. With careful planning and execution, the renewal process can be a smooth transition that both improves and continues a mutually beneficial relationship.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to learning contract management is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!