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Creative Problem Solving

In the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of process to identify and implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of problem, large or small.

The Creative Problem Solving workshop will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day. Skills such as brainstorming, information gathering, analyzing data, and identifying resources will be covered throughout the workshop.


  • Understand problems and the creative problem solving process
  • Indentify types of information to gather and key questions to ask in problem solving
  • Identify the importance of defining a problem correctly
  • Identify and use four different problem definition tools
  • Write concrete problem statements
  • Use basic brainstorming tools to generate ideas for solutions
  • Evaluate potential solutions against criteria, including cost/benefit analysis and group voting
  • Perform a final analysis to select a solution
  • Understand the roles that fact and intuition play in selecting a solution
  • Understand the need to refine the shortlist and redefine it
  • Understand how to identify the tasks and resources necessary to implement solutions
  • Evaluate and adapt solutions to reality
Introduction : Getting Started

Welcome to the Creative Problem Solving workshop. In the past few decades, psychologists and business people alike have discovered that successful problem solvers tend to use the same type of process to identify and implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of problem, large or small. This workshop will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day.

Module 1 : The Problem Solving Method

To begin, let’s look at the creative problem solving process. In this module, we will define “problem” and other situations that lend themselves to the creative problem solving process. We will introduce the concept of solving problems using a creative process. The approach we use in this course includes six steps, which are also introduced in this module.

Module 2 : Information Gathering

The first step in the creative problem solving process is to gather information about the problem. In order to effectively solve the correct problem, you need to know as much about it as possible. In this module, we will explore different types of information, key questions, and different methods used to gather information.

Module 3 : Problem Definition

The next step in the creative problem solving process is to identify the problem. This module will explore why problem solvers need to clearly define the problem. It also introduces several tools to use when defining a problem and writing a problem statement.

Module 4 : Preparing for Brainstorming

Before we learn ways to generate solutions in the problem solving process, we will prepare the way for creativity. This module introduces common mental blocks to productive brainstorming, as well as techniques for dealing with the mental blocks. It also presents some ideas for stimulating creativity.

Module 5 : Generating Solutions (I)

Generating possibilities for solutions to the defined problem comes next in the process. It is important to generate as many solutions as possible before analyzing the solutions or trying to implement them. There are many different methods for generating solutions. This module begins with some ground rules for brainstorming sessions. Then it presents several idea-generating techniques, including free-association style brainstorming, brainwriting, mind mapping, and Duncker Diagrams.

Module 6 : Generating Solutions (II)

This module presents additional tools and information to consider when generating solutions as part of the creative problem solving process.

Module 7 : Analyzing Solutions

With many different solutions in hand, the problem solvers need to analyze those solutions to determine the effectiveness of each one. This module helps participants consider is the criteria or goals for solving the problem, as well as distinguishing between wants and needs. This module also introduces the cost/benefit analysis as a method of analyzing solutions.

Module 8 : Selecting a Solution

The next step in the process is to select one or more solutions from the possibilities. In the previous step, you will have eliminated many of the possibilities. With a short list of possibilities, you can do a final analysis to come up with one or more of the best solutions to the problem. This module discusses that final analysis, as well as a tool for selecting a solution called Paired Comparison Analysis. It also discusses analyzing potential problems that may arise with a selected solution.

Module 9 : Planning Your Next Steps

Once you have selected one or more solutions to the problem, it is time to implement them. This module looks at identifying tasks and resources, and re-evaluating the solution and adapting as necessary.

Module 10 : Recording Lessons Learned

Once you have solved the problem successfully, it is time to apply what you have learned to make solving future problems easier.

Conclusion : Wrapping Up

Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to improve your creative problem solving skills is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!