With this workshop your participants will be able to develop a business environment that reflects a positive set of values and ethics. Aligning these characteristics with the standards of conduct is what makes a business stand out and be a leader in the business world.
Through our Developing Corporate Behavior workshop your participants should see improved team building, better communication, and trust. By realizing the benefits of corporate behavior and developing a successful plan your participants should see a reduction in incidents and an increase in team work and loyalty.
Corporate behavior is an important aspect of any business. The right behavior can cause your company to sky rocket with effective productivity and reputation. Poor behavior can cause a company’s productivity and reputation to plummet. There are many different ways to influence a corporate behavior change, but the first step is to understand what behavior is. How can you change behavior if you don’t know what it is?
In life and business, behavior affects everything. A great corporate behavior can open the door to creating happy customers, and new customers. What exactly is behavior? In this section we will discuss what behavior is, and what facilitates behavior. By the end of this journey, you should have a good understanding of what corporate behavior is, and how to implement it in your company.
There are many alternate names for corporate behavior; company culture, organizational behavior, but all basically mean the same; the collective actions and values of a company. Corporate behavior has many benefits, and those benefits are contingent upon what your company values are. Some benefits could be reduced costs for supplies, employee engagement and motivation, or reduced absenteeism. Let’s explore some of the areas you can use to define your company values.
There are an immeasurable amount of categories of corporate behavior. The trick is finding out what behavior you need your company to adopt. This could include adopting values like punctuality or safety. A great corporate behavior can make or break a company, so it is important to provide the appropriate support for your employees. We are going to explore together some of the more major categories of corporate behavior.
Managerial structure is one of the most important aspects of a company’s corporate behavior. If you do not have appropriate, effective, and knowledgeable managers, you don’t have happy employees. There is a well-known saying that employees leave managers, not companies. That is a fairly accurate statement, the management is what the employee has the most contact with. A poor manager can be easily spotted by the amount of turnover they have in their department. According to Forbes, 31% of employees quit their jobs solely because of their supervisors. So how can you make the most of your management team? Let’s discuss it together.
There are many ways in which a company can outline its ethics or values. Being involved in a company that has a great corporate behavior is very satisfying for an employee. A well rounded company should be able to see outside the scope of just their company. Having some values that are based on philanthropy or environmental causes boosts employee morale and company image. Everyone wants to buy from and work for a company that makes the world a better place to live in.
We as consumers hold companies responsible for their actions, so why wouldn’t we do the same for our employees? Employee accountability helps the employee take ownership of increasing productivity and decreasing waste. Having accountable employees also helps increase morale and customer satisfaction. The most important aspect is to make sure you are making the employees accountable in a fair manner. If your child failed his homework assignment, would you disown them? Hopefully not, you would tell them to do better next time, and maybe come up with some ways to help! As a company, you can do the same things for your employees.
“Workplace incidents” is a term for a wide range of topics. We will be addressing a few of those topics in this module. Employees have a right to go to a work environment that they feel safe in. Making sure that they feel safe is your job as the employer. There are many ways to instill the sense of safety in your employees. Having policies and procedures in line is a great way to show your employees you care about their safety.
Hopefully by now you are ready to start designing and implementing your corporate behaviors. It is important for you to set realistic behaviors for your employees to follow. Make sure to keep them in the loop and get as much feedback as you possibly can.
There are many slogans and seminars dedicated to teamwork. There is a reason that teamwork is such a “buzz” word. An individual can’t make a company great, the company as a whole is built on the employees working as a team. In this module, we will explore the importance of teamwork, and how important it is to your corporate behavior.
Understanding and developing a corporate behavior is a fantastic feat. I am sure at this point you would like nothing more than to relax and bask in the glory of what you have created. Unfortunately there will be little time for that. You have to evaluate, and possibly revise your corporate behavior. This world is ever changing, and so is your company. It’s time to make sure what you implemented is working, or is still relevant, and change what needs to be changed.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to developing corporate behavior is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!