The issue of impostors gaining illegal entry into forbidden place has becoming a global threat and by extension, a question to the expertise and professionalism of relevant law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, many have sat down and watched helplessly while the situation deteriorates. The best action during a threatening moment as this is not to rescind to fate and leave the whole society at the mercies of the syndicates. What is required of the relevant agencies is to ensure that their manpower resources are properly trained to combat the situation squarely. This course, though short but is very aptly prepared to fill this noticeable void.
Impostors are unrepentant-criminally minded and change their techniques on a daily basis just with the intent of not being caught. In dealing with them, the main area of focus should always be the face. The statement that “the eyes are the windows to the soul” is very potent when it comes to this discourse. Invariably, there is no any other part of the body that reveals the identity of a person better than the facial part. Although there are over seven billion people on the surface of the earth, research shows that there are no two people that are indistinguishable. So, individual identity is well imprinted on their faces. As small as the face is, there are countless differences that can be spotted on it when compared to that of other people. It suffices to state that there are many surprises awaiting you in the course session.
Using conventional means to deal with impostors is the best way to make a mockery of yourself. In fact, they will not only have a field day under you, they will also question your qualification. Thus, everything that would be discussed in this course is science-backed, well-researched and evidently-substantiated. As a way of arousing your interest in the course, it is opened with historical evidences of impostors—the atrocities they committed to nations and organizations and how they were able to be trapped down. Perhaps, where many law enforcement officers develop headache is when facial images become inconsistent. The process of verifying is always tedious and demanding. In this course, you are going to learn ways in which you can establish the true identity of a person without wasting time. Specific analyses for each area of the face are masterfully discussed in the course.
As I end this segment, let me state it clearly that impostors are criminally manipulative in nature. Before getting to the borders, they would have perfected their looks to reflect what is on the passport. So, what enforcement officers mainly rely on are the subtle cues that they have no power over. Sometimes, scars from cosmetic surgeries can be the only evidence for you or even skin tone.
Some have wrongly assumed that identical twins cannot be distinguished in their look. This course says the otherwise. It reels out seven different ways in which you can identify identical twins through their face. Ultimately, the course creates a balance between the use of detection machine and human intelligence.
Through a series of Case studies, presentations, Discussion, Sharing and Experiential exercises, trainees will learn:
• Describe the background issues related to facial comparison
• Explain about identity fraud
• Define the two types of comparative processes used for facial comparison
• List the 7 main areas used for facial comparison
• Explain the terms class and individual characteristics
• Explain the terms explainable and unexplainable dissimilarities
• Explain the glossary of term
• Identify and describe the bones of the skull and face
• Correlate the facial features to the underlying bones structure
• Identify and describe the major muscles of the face and neck and their function
• Define the two classes of muscles in the face
• Describe what sibling is
• Identify the genetic similarities in siblings
• Describe the difference between a sibling and a twin
• Identify and describe the major factors that affect the aging process
• Define the common skin growths on the face
• Describe the appearance of these skin growths
• Define the common skin lesions found on the face
• Describe appearance of these skin lesions
• Identify the common types of cosmetic procedures
• Various changes that can occur to the facial features
• Explain the importance of image qualities
• Identify the most appropriate format for image comparison and appropriate resolution
• Distinguish between different picture format and resolution quality
• List and explain the steps used in the decision-making process
• Apply a methodology for good decision making
History plays a vital role in the process of knowledge acquisition. A person, who lacks knowledge of the past, whether good or bad, cannot learn from it to take an informed decision about the future. What we are faced with today is the result of the actions and inaction's of yesterday and our present undertakings will reflect how the future will be. The act of impersonation has started since centuries ago and law enforcement officers from different parts of the world have been made to confront the problem. The historical perspective is just to reveal to us, the methods adopted by the impostors in perpetrating the crime and how uniformed men also lived up to their responsibility.
Detecting impostors is the first step to arresting them. Until you establish that a person is trying to gain an illegal entry into a particular given territory, you cannot commence the process of prosecution. In this module, we will explore the two major types of comparative processes used for facial comparison. When you understand their usage, spotting the differences on the face becomes relatively easy. Also, we will consider the major areas of the face you should always beam your searchlight on during examination. Sometimes, there are both class-based and individual differences. Your ability to distinguish these put you in the forefront of the job.
The major preoccupation of every law enforcement officer at the border is to be able to spot out inconsistencies in facial images. However, in most cases, these inconsistencies are silent and very unpronounced. That is, you have to look beyond the normal before you can make deductions. This module prepares you on how to understand the similarities and dissimilarities among people. Sometimes, these differences are explainable while in some other cases, they are beyond what words can codify. When you have a full grasp of all these facts, you will know where to focus on and search for evidence. The module would be concluded by giving some short practices on identification of similarities and dissimilarities.
This module will serve as the opener to an extensive discourse session which will span through many slides and by default, the longest duration. It is practical, in-depth and encompassing. About nineteen facial parts are explained in this module. The main aim of the module is to help you recognize the features when you come across any subject. It should be understood that the greatest weapon you can rely on during investigation is your ability to be able to point out noticeable differences where the subject least expected. Thus, the need for you to have an in-depth knowledge on each of the select facial parts.
Apart from facial parts, other important segments to take cognizance of while investigating an impostor are the bones and muscles of the face. In fact, these are very critical and crucial to the success of the investigation. The reason being that while all the facial parts discussed in the preceding module can be easily modified and altered through the use of facial cosmetics and surgeries the bones and muscles are very difficult to be subjected to manipulation. In this discourse, you will learn the shape, position and nature of facial muscles and how defects can cause them to be altered. With this knowledge, you will be able to engage any subject on their real facial picture.
When two siblings or even twins are criminally-minded and also identical, impersonating each other is very easy for them. In fact, syndicates are always on the lookout for this category of people. To laymen, identical twins are so identical that it is only those who have known them in the time past that can distinguish them. This is not true and there is no law enforcement officer that should profess this. In this module, we will learn the genetic similarities in siblings and twins. More importantly, we will dwell on ways in which we can differentiate between them. Their observable human traits would be identified.
Facial look can be affected by many factors. Apart from the use of makeup or performance of cosmetic surgeries, some natural orders may affect how an individual looks like. In this module, our focus will be on how age impacts facial look. Some defined areas of the face change as one advances in age. Our central focus is to discuss how the face looks like from age 20 to 60 plus. What are the changes witnessed in each age bracket? A glaring factor that exposes that one has actually advanced in age is the aging lines. They are easily noticeable in people, no matter the artificial steps taken to cover them up. Then, we will conclude with age-based exercises.
In this module, we will be investigating the impact of skin and cosmetic surgeries on facial recognition. If some facial parts are artificially altered as it is rampant these days, do they affect the overall look of a person? Does it result in change in identity? In perusing this, we will start off by describing the common skin growths on the face and then, how they appear on the face. This will help officers in identifying them when sighted. Skin ulcers and erosion are other common factors that tell on facial appearance. Can they be feigned and if, how then do officers uncover them? This module is very practical.
As we draw close on steps in identifying facial looks, it is very pertinent to consider the impact of image quality on the whole process. Remember that your investigation is one-sided if it is only focused on the individual without comparing it to the image. In this module, you will be made to see the importance of image quality and then identify the most appropriate format for image comparison. These are the little details that syndicates do use in playing on the intelligence of officers. Sometimes, image might be adjusted to affect its quality. Light, resolution and formats are some other key factors in establishing the nexus between image quality and impersonation.
After being taken through all the technical details, this final step which seems to be distinct from everything discussed so far is very essential. The decision you concerning the information at your disposal has an effect on the whole investigative process—it either mars or makes it yield result. Decisions on this juncture should not just be made on what you feel; every step you take should be technical, informed and directed towards a particular course of action. More so, there should be a plausible alternative should in case the first one fails. In some cases, officers are also faced with some challenges which limit their effectiveness. This module explains all these and how you can stay afloat of these seemingly shortcomings.
This is a solution-driven course which no doubt was masterfully mapped out for impact. The creativity and dexterity with which the course material is prepared endears it to every searching soul. It is written with the aim of proffering solution to a lingering societal problem. The way the course is outlined makes it flow, the exchange of knowledge continuous and in-depth. What seems to be lacking in a module forms the main thrust of the subsequent module and this was intentionally done to sustain the interest of participants throughout the process. The ways of impostors are undoubtedly too complex to be understood at a go. More so, they also update their nefarious skills on every passing moment. However, this course has expertly touched all the relevant areas needed in trapping them down. In addition, the bites shared here make it useful for all seasons—they are scientific, practical and can stand the test of time. Impostors should not be handled forcefully. A show of force will only create a rowdy session that will in turn give them an upper hand. Instead, be technical, professional and patient in your dealings with them. Never expose all your tricks at the beginning of the investigation—let everything be done procedurally. Taking a leap from history is to make you to be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. When there are discrepancies in facial images, it is a sign that something is amiss. Hence, you have to subject both images (the individual and the passport) to test. Your focus on the individual is to establish their real facial look by unraveling their real identity and then compare it with the image to be sure they are the real owner. If they are the true owner of the passport, there should not be unexplainable differences. Remember to apply the scientific examination processes discussed in the course session while carrying out your investigation. Let me state at this juncture that not every time that there are discrepancies in images and individuals should you raise the alarm of impersonation. There are cases in which natural occurrence such as radiation, infection or even accidents might have caused unimaginable changes on the appearance of a person. In this instance, it will be embarrassing to raise needless alarm. What is required of you is to be professional and thorough in your questioning session. As I conclude, let me have some words on the place of biometrics and human involvement while conducting investigation. While I appreciate and encourage the use of technological inventions, that should not be allowed to override the place of human intelligence. Remember that all the inventions you see around today are products of human thinking and as such, there is no time human brain should be seen as being less reliable to it. What I am driving at is that no matter the result the biometrics produce, human touch and involvement is still critical. Impostors can try to manipulate an outcome of the default nature of the software but humans can easily identify this fraudulent way and give them appropriate challenge.
• Anyone who has ever interacted with another person!
• HR Managers involved with Hiring process and Interviews
• Entrepreneurs, Business people, Salespersons
• Managers and Supervisors
• Parents
• Teachers
• Students
• Employers
• Employees
• Security Officers
• Enforcement Officers
This will be a two-day course, conducted formally and the following methodologies will be applied:
• Presentation
• Group Discussion
• Individual and team exercises
• Videos
• Role-playing
• Case studies
Alan Elangovan is a teacher, mentor, trainer, security expert and behavioral analyst. He has occupied his space as a trainer in Singapore for the past thirty years. Still, the fire of his intellectual acumen rages in every sector of the country. His services have been employed by both new and old companies and he has always exemplified the perfect definition of balance. Alan is not a hunger-driven trainer. As a way of enhancing his skills and expertise in his chosen field, Alan has been to Australia, Germany and Denmark for specialized training sessions. Anytime he teaches, he portrays universality and standard.
After revolutionizing many firms in Singapore, the news of his prowess spreads to other neighboring Asian nations and in 2005, he became an international trainer. Indonesia, Malaysia, Bhutan and Cambodia are some of his usual training nations. To demonstrate how charming his training sessions are, many of his trainees have had the course to travel down to Singapore moments when his itineraries are filled up. The continuous flow of classes he conducts for people from all over the world has unarguably enhanced the quality of his delivery and also increased his knowledge. He does not jump into areas where he knows he does not have a perfect mastery of its subject matter.
His classes do center on public speaking, behavioral analysis, security, crisis management in the corporate world, enhancement of employees’ productivity, control of emotions and other germane issues tailored towards the improvement of our world. He is no doubt the perfect trainer for any of your professional needs.