Networking – according to Merriam Webster is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”. These and other events can become more easily managed with this great workshop.
With our Power of Networking (Outside the Company) workshop, your participants will begin to see how important it is to develop a core set of networking skills. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, your participants will improve on almost every aspect of their networking strategy.
Everyone knows that networking is important to long-term business success. The networking process itself, however, can be confusing. Learning effective networking techniques will help you develop relationships that will benefit you both personally and professionally.
[The term “networking” is frequently tossed around the business world. It is easy to talk about networking, but implementing it is another matter, particularly when you have to go beyond the confines of the workplace. Fortunately, you will improve your networking skills when you create a solid network and position yourself for success. Networking outside of your company takes time and energy, but the reward is certainly worth the effort.
Like any other endeavor, you will run into obstacles when you network. When you are aware of the common obstacles ahead of time, you are more likely to avoid them or address them correctly. Common obstacles to avoid include time constraints, fear of rejection, networking in the wrong places, and saying the wrong thing.
There are four basic networking principles that can help guide you as you expand your personal and professional network. Developing new contacts, organizing contacts, following-up, and building relationships will lead to a stable network of connections on which you can rely.
There are various reasons to network. Networking affects your reputation and your social circle. Engaging in networking can result in jobs, partnerships, and support. The benefits include an increase in trust and visibility. Networking can also provide an inside advantage when it comes to your professional and personal life.
It is important to consider the different ways to build networks and engage in the different methods of networking. There is physical networking, which includes networking events. Social networking sites and network referral lists are also beneficial in building strong networks.
Various online networking tools are available for your use. Given the number of networking tools available, you are sure to find something that will help you build and maintain your network. Internet tools that are commonly used include: social networks, blogs, chat rooms, and email. Each one of these tools will make your connections in cyberspace easier to monitor.
Interpersonal relationships will develop overtime, since networking is intertwined with relationship building. Building new relationships requires a great deal of effort, but the payoff is worth the energy. Developing interpersonal relationships requires deliberate action, integrity, and boundaries, all which take time to implement.
If you are aware of the common networking mistakes, you will have a better chance of avoiding them. Common mistakes include taking before giving, making assumptions, reaching too high, and assuming that tools alone will build connections. Always monitor your interactions with others to prevent making these all too common errors.
Because time is such an obstacle to networking, time management needs to be addressed. Time management for networking can be improved by prioritizing contacts and scheduling activities. Connecting with people online and organizing activities for groups will also help you manage your time as you develop relationships within your network.
As you create your personal and professional networks, you will have the responsibility of managing them. Your networks will thrive as long as you remember to be responsive and give back while you stay in-touch with your contacts. It is also beneficial to separate your personal activities from your business ones. As you learn to manage your networks, you will reap the rewards.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to networking outside your company is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!