Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. It is important to pay extra attention to internal networking, or networking within the company. To be truly effective, internal networking must be utilized throughout the company.
With The Power of Networking (Within the Company) workshop your participants will learn how internal networking is changing the workforce. Through this workshop, your participants will gain a new perspective networking, and what benefits can come from fully utilizing and making connections with internal networking.
Networking is unavoidable in modern society. Many people focus on external networking, but the networking process must be used with the company in order to be truely effective. By following the information outlined in this publication, you will be able to network effectively and reap the rewards that come with making connections within the organization.
It is easy to overlook the need to make connections within your own organization. The benefits of networking at work, however, are valuable to any career. These benefits include the shared knowledge and increased opportunities. Networking within the organization will also improve your professional image.
Like every endeavor in life, you will face obstacles in your networking. Fortunately, you will be able to navigate and avoid many of these obstacles by correctly defining networking and swallowing your pride. Additionally, the ability to identify difficult personality traits and cultural barriers will provide you with opportunities to avoid miscommunications and facilitate functional relationships
Now that you know the basic definition of networking and how to avoid common obstacles, it is time to learn the basic networking principles. Networking requires you to build relationships. You need to listen to the people in your network, offer value, and build trust. As you master the basic principles of networking, you will begin to see your network develop.
Now that you understand the principles of networking, it is time to address building your network. The guidelines to building networks require using basic common sense. They may seem too simplistic at first glance, but they are essential and must not be overlooked.
You cannot build networks unless you are able to recognize networking opportunities around you. It is imperative that you take advantage of the formal networking, informal networking, and workday opportunities that you encounter. Additionally, it is not possible to predict every network opportunity. You should always be prepared to network.
Before going any further, it is time to point out the common networking mistakes that people make so that you can avoid them. We have already addressed meeting people and following through, but these remain common mistakes. Creating expectations that are too high and failing to remain professional are also common mistakes that should be avoided.
As we have already discussed, networking is actually relationship building. Developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships takes the time and effort, but they are worth the payoff. Interpersonal relationships require being genuine, participating in dialogue, maintaining boundaries, and investing time. By following the information outlined in this module, you will find it easier to develop interpersonal relationships.
Taking part in the networking requires using the appropriate tools. Fortunately, the internet provides a number of online networking tools that will assist your networking activities. Commonly used networking tools include popular social networks, blogs, chat rooms, and email. Implementing these tools will allow you to easily keep up with your contacts.
Making networking a priority requires time management skills. When it comes to time management in networking, it is important to prioritize contacts and schedule activities. Connecting online and organizing activities for groups will also help you manage your time while developing relationships within your network.
Once you have built your network, it is essential that you maintain these relationships for the long term. It is easy to forget about established relationships as you pursue new ones to grow your network. Ignoring established connections, however, can cause individuals to feel betrayed and unwanted. This will not help your reputation with their social circle in the office.
Although this workshop is coming to a close, we hope that your journey to networking within the company is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!