Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. It can be a crime committed against the law, which is why this topic has become a very important for every organization.
The Workplace Harassment workshop will help give participants the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well understand your rights and responsibilities under the law, with regard to safety in the workplace. Through this workshop your participants will recognize that it is necessary for everyone to help create programs that teach employees to identify harassment and exercise anti-harassment policies.
Welcome to the Workplace Harassment workshop. Workplace Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from one person to another, such as race, sex, and disability. This course will give you the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well understand your rights and responsibilities under the law. It will also touch on safety in the workplace, which is in of itself a very important item in any organization. Three main actions constitute harassment: 1. When someone is doing something to you to make you uneasy. 2. When someone is saying something to you to make you feel uneasy. 3. When someone knowingly puts your life at risk in some way.
Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. It can be a crime committed against the law. It is very important for everyone to understand laws that protect to promote a safe and healthy workplace environment. Unfortunately, even with laws in place, various forms of harassment are still alive in businesses across the world, so it is necessary for management to help create programs that teach employees to identify harassment and exercise anti-harassment policies.
To tell employees that the company does not tolerate harassment is not enough. It’s important for the business to outline a specific policy that defines harassment. It must explain what can happen as a result of displaying such actions, as well as what one can do if they believe they have been victimized. This will help create an environment that is a healthy workplace for the individuals involved in the incident and the company in general.
Anti-harassment policies in the workplace should be broad, and written in easy to understand terms. They should also be circulated to everyone who is required to operate under the rights and responsibilities of them.
In order for the process to go as smoothly as possible and for there to be a remedy to the problem as quickly as possible, it is vital that all involved follow the proper procedures if being harassed or accused of harassing someone else.
Being falsely accused of anything can be taxing on one’s emotions. The best way to professionally confront false allegations is to go through the correct chain of command in order to plead your case and bring peace and justice back to your reputation in the workplace.
In some instances, even after inquiries and investigations, a case may not be properly solved. The individual who believes they were wronged may try to appeal the decision, to no avail. When that is the case, one most know that they have other options of resolving the matter.
Sexual Harassment is against the law and may have lasting negative effects on the lives of those involved as well be detrimental to the future success of a company.
Mediation is just as its name implies, it is when a non-biased third party from inside or outside the company is introduced to the case and charged with helping the two parties involved come to the middle ground of a resolution.
Resolving issues of harassment is not an exact science. Conflict resolution must be handled on a case-by-case basis.
After experiencing a situation of harassment, it is crucial for the harasser and harassed to find the best ways to move on with life so that experience does not define life for them.
Although this workshop is ending, we hope that your journey to improve your knowledge of Workplace Harassment is just beginning. Please take a moment to review and update your action plan. This will be a key tool to guide your progress in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We wish you the best of luck on the rest of your travels!