Body Language

Non-verbal communication is all aspects that can be seen but not heard in communication and include facial expressions, body movements, and body reactions such as goose bumps, sweating, shaking, and fidgeting. Head movements are also art of non-verbal communication as well as listening skills. Verbal communication is all the sounds that are associated with communication and are not just limited to whole words but also includes utterances such as hmm, ummm, ehhh and so on. This allows us to effectively communicate with others and understand them more completely when non-verbal and verbal communication is used together. It is natural for people to be able to speak effectively verbally whilst showing very awkward body language or non-verbal cues. This is a good indication that the person does not believe or does not believe in what they are saying with their words. This is why in order to be an effective communicator you need to be able to read body language cues and to understand people verbally, looking for signs used in their pitch.
Signs of powerful body language include making the person come to you instead of you approaching the other person. This is in a way of saying I am more powerful then you and if you want to communicate with me you need to approach me. Other signs are standing in front of other as if to say that you are in charge. Also shaking hands and having your hand on top of theirs is a power sign in body language. Pulling the person closer to you when shaking hands is a very strong indication that power is being displayed. Another very strong sign is if people wait on you to make a move first before they follow. This makes it clear to others who holds the power. This is something that is used often by politicians in order to have the public believe that they are powerful enough to run the country.
Open body language will help you to be seen as approachable by others in society and will assist you when if you need to question them for information related to a crime. This could be in the case of a witness and displaying open body language is also a good way to put the public at ease as a police officer and show them that they are not in trouble and helping to bridge the gap between uniformed officers that can seem intimidating and a person that is seen as friendly and approachable being much more likely to be cooperated with. Open body language is the easiest way to demonstrate that you are open to hearing other opinions and want to have effective communication with them and mean no threat to them whilst establishing a discussion or social interaction of any kind. Public figures will often undergo training specifically to appear more open.


There are three stages in the brain, the reptilian brain, the mammalian brain and the human portion of the brain. These three stages work with each other and form our thoughts and actions. The reptilian brain is the survivalist and hunting portion of the brain. The mammalian brain is more strongly associated with connections, also survival and the human stage of the brain is capable of complex thinking and logic. Each has developed evolutionary aspects of the human being and behavior today. Each section is responsible for a different aspect of human behavior and each is accessible to all human beings and assists in regulating behaviors for continue survivalist. The reptilian brain has the strongest survival instinct and is mainly concerned with fight or flight responses as well as basic needs. This includes our need to feel safe, recognize threats, have enough to survive and is also most responsible for our need to have children and pass on our genes to ensure the survival of ourselves in the next generation.
Instincts and intuition are similar as in they are both complex and a known phenomenon in human beings and a natural part of our ability to have a sixth sense that was developed as part of evolution. Instincts refer to complex thoughts and feelings that occur without conscious thought so that we are able to make decisions effectively and quickly without using too much of our brain power and immediate concentration and can be related to sexual attractions and choosing partners as well as how we establish if someone is likely to become a friend or foe without giving it to much thought or careful consideration consciously weighing pros and cons. Intuition refers to a feeling that is known and does not require complex thinking to be done subconsciously. It is what is known and sensed by people without complex attention being given to any particular stimulus. It is the reason we can predict things will happen and are not surprised when we are right.

Criminal Profiling

Profiling body language is the practice of statistically analyzing the occurrence of body language under set conditions and making a statistical calculation of the deviation between the body language displays of criminals or maladaptive individuals against controlled body language cues that have been clinically set up so that they can be drawn on for comparisons and not authentic displays of body language cues. This allows profilers to be able to quickly establish what is fake in an individual’s body language cues and what is real in a person’s behavior based on their body language cues shown. This assists a professional profiler with making measured reports for individuals that are being monitored and will help to uncover aspects when they are lying and the tells that a person displays as an individual when they are lying either verbally or through body language. Poker players will often adapt this form of evaluation when looking at their opponents in order to see if the other players have a tell that they can take advantage of.


The fight response is what happens when your nervous system is activated to go to action and is the zero to hero scenario when it is crucial for you to be able to make quick decisions on a subconscious level in emergency situations. Many people report that they feel as though they just did things automatically and where able to take more risks and take immediate action whilst knowing that they were capable of doing so. This is an evolutionary tactic that allows a person to react and sum up dangers quickly. This was particularly important form an evolutionary perspective when we were faced with large or dangerous animals and needed to be able to make snap decisions for our own safety and survival. If you were faced with a bear it is better to know instantly if we should stand and fight or if we should not try and confront the animal.
Emotions and feelings are most naturally displayed in our body language and can be difficult to mask completely even when we do not want others to know how we are feeling. Many people do not know how to verbally communicate their feelings and emotions but signs of how they feel will be evident in their behavior, their movements, the eyes and the expression visible on their faces. Psychopaths lean how to display emotions they do not feel however, they will still have thoughts and opinions but without the emotional impact. This is in order to appear as normal as possible and it is difficult for people to feel calm and responsive if they were not to show expressions to indicate that they have feelings and emotions. It would be much like interacting with a computer or inanimate object and not a social interaction between people. This means that whilst people can learn an expression, everyone, even psychopaths have expressions that are natural and indicate emotions.

Lies & Liars

Teenagers will usually add elaborate detail to their lies and often will recruit friends to back up their story as proof that it is a fact when in actual fact it is not. The way a teen will react if they are pressed for details is usually by way of frustration and may result in the teenager not wanting to answer any more questions so that they can avoid being caught by giving the wrong details or going back on their story they had originally told. Often teenagers will give one version of a story and stick to it refusing to change any details in an effort to try and be able to remember exactly what they had told you when they were making up the lie to begin with. Teenagers may want to find their own identity and will lie to their parents consistently not be able to do what they want to do. This can include telling their families that they are at a friend’s place when really, they are trying to get older adults to buy alcohol for them and are not with the friends that they were meant to be with.
Pathological deception most accurately describes how criminals lie as they cannot stop lying. Pathological liars are not able to tell the whole truth and have a need to change parts of a story even if they have nothing to hide from the person they are communicating with. This is often done to impress others and is used to make themselves seem better than they really are, they may also choose to tell lies continuously because they fear they are a boring person. Other reasons for pathological lying is in order to avoid being caught such as in the case of criminals who have many crimes to hide and criminal activity. People with drug addiction issues will also readily pathologically lie in order to cover up their addiction. This can be a very difficult habit to break if a person has had a drug issue for a long time and will lead to them lying about insignificant things as well as important things.