Non-verbal communication is all aspects that can be seen but not heard in communication and include facial expressions, body movements, and body reactions such as goose bumps, sweating, shaking, and fidgeting. Head movements are also art of non-verbal communication as well as listening skills. Verbal communication is all the sounds that are associated with communication and are not just limited to whole words but also includes utterances such as hmm, ummm, ehhh and so on. This allows us to effectively communicate with others and understand them more completely when non-verbal and verbal communication is used together. It is natural for people to be able to speak effectively verbally whilst showing very awkward body language or non-verbal cues. This is a good indication that the person does not believe or does not believe in what they are saying with their words. This is why in order to be an effective communicator you need to be able to read body language cues and to understand people verbally, looking for signs used in their pitch.