Audio Management System

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What is Audio Management System?

Today, as the technology is booming, new ways to study are being presented to the world. Today, digital learning is one of the most important ways of education due to its benefits like being readily available, less costly, providing distance learning and so on. One of the tools that are used in e-learning is AMS. An audio management system is a tool that collects and distribute the different audio files that consist various lectures, summery and solutions provided by the professionals and teachers. An AMS can be provided at the school or institution, or it can be accessed by the different websites online.

How do we define AMS?

Here at LPS training services, we provide an open source AMS that can be viewed by the students from anywhere and on any device. All they need to do is register on the LMS and then choose the package. These packages have certain fees selected by the professionals who made them and once the amount is paid the student can study online by listening to the audio.

What are positive impacts of AMS:

Below we are stating some of the important benefits of using the AMS provided by the LPS training services:

  • Providing a better learning experience

Yes with the help of narration of any multi-media lesson the understanding of the lesson becomes more accessible for the students. Thus, AMS is necessary for the better learning experience. Moreover, the use of human voice instead of a machine not only provides a friendly feel but also help in learning.

  • Readily available source of learning

Yes, an audio file can be accessed not only by the computer but also on the mobile. With the help of the Internet, the student can listen to the audio anywhere, make notes and learn even while sitting in a park.

  • Cost-effective and affordable

The professional need to record the voice and post it online. Thus, there is no extra cost on the hardware. Similarly, the price of the audio lessons is way low as compared to other digital learning modes. Thus, both the teacher and the student can have a value for money experience.

  • Open source

The AMS provided by the LPS training services is entirely open source. Thus, the professionals can upload the audio file in the LMS, and the student can buy it after registration. Once bought the students can access it online at any time and from anywhere.

  • An appealing way of teaching and learning

Indeed, both the students and teacher will like this way to learn and teach. The teachers can share their own experiences, problems they faced in learning the content and can provide the solution in a friendly manner. The students, on the other hand, can read the lesson along with listening to the teacher and come to know what the actual concept it. It helps in the brain development of the student.

  • Providing support to the students with reading and other learning difficulties

The students who are suffering from some mental challenge or have a problem with vision can get educated with the help of audio lessons from the professionals. Thus, the use of audio lesson in the digital e-learning can be beneficial for the blind and challenged students.

  • Development in the learning of the students

With the help of the audio lessons the listening skills and the learning of the students enhances. That is, they not only learn how to listen to the things carefully, but they also know how to get the best knowledge out of it. Moreover, the audio lessons help in enhancing the focus of the students.

  • Distributing, summarizing and updating

With the support of the AMS provided at the LPS training services, different professionals can distribute the education material, sum up any book or data and even in the case of an update they can do that as well.

  • Freedom to use any tool

There is no use of using specialized software. There are many tools available online for the teachers that can help to post the audio lessons without any hassle. All they need to make sure is that the sound format should be compatible with the device on which the student is accessing the material.

  • Time and money saving

Audio used for digital learning is a time-saving tool for learning in which the student can be free from tuition and get more time to study at home. Payless and study more on your own is what the open source AMS at LPS training services aim at.

What are the different Types of AMS:

The kind of AMS is based on what type of audio is being used for the teaching purposes. Here are some of the ways by which the audio is used in education:

  1. Podcast: For pod-cast, the people will require a suited software or the tool that can help in accessing the Pod-casts. At AMS provided by the LPS, there is no need to upload any pod-cast as it may have the compatibility issues.
  2. Screen capture audio: It is a video that demonstrates the text but not any human. Only a voice is explaining the stuff shown in the display. However, such audio cannot be used for the blind students.
  3. Voice over script: A proper lecture plan is created and based on that the audio is produced. It is one of the most common ways used by the professionals, and it has lesser issues than the above two types of sounds.

The Terminology used in AMS:

While you are talking about the AMS, then you may encounter the terms like the audio formats, audio recording tools, audio editing software, compatible devices, 3Ps, Pod-casts, Voice over scripts, screen capture audio and so on. All these tool and terms are essential for the working of an AMS.

What makes an AMS project successful?

So far, we have understood that AMS is based on the HQ audios that are uploaded by the professionals. Thus, here are some of the tips that can make any AMS projects successful when it comes to e-learning:

  • The primary focus should be on the 3Ps that is Planning, Production, and the Publishing.
  • The content should be more precise, should be able to solve the problem and should be easy to understand. Longer will be the audio, more confusing it will be. Thus, the content chosen by the professional should be summarized and to the point.
  • The tool that is used for making the audio should give a format that will be compatible with every device. Today, most of the students access the audios and other study materials from their phone. Thus the audio should be able to open from there as well.

Bottom Line:

The open source AMS provided by the LPS training source is not only a source of money for the professionals, but it is a source for good education as well. Not only teachers can share their lessons, but the students can get access to the different packages at the same time from the best professionals around the globe. Moreover, it provides an excellent tool for learning for the blind people as well.