Classroom Management System

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What is classroom Management System?

Classroom management system(CRMS) is the process by which the pro-social traits are developed in the behavior of a student. It is the process through which the students of the same grade get to know each other, get to study together and get to stay disciplined under the observation of a teacher. Schools and different offline coaching institutes around the world work on the classroom management system to enhance the educational quality and develop the traits like discipline, being social, obedient, honesty and punctuality.

How do we define CRMS?

Not only for offline study but for online mode of education where the teacher is residing in some different area and students are living in different, CRMS is used. The only difference is that in online CRMS the teacher cannot interact with the student directly under one roof but only with the online mode.

This is what we are trying to change.

Here at LPS training service, the CRMS provided is in offline mode. We have classrooms available for different courses and professional teachers for each class. Available mainly for various areas, we manage CRMS in the flow stated below:

  • A registration process where students can register themselves in LMS for a particular course.
  • Preparing the schedule of classes for particular location
  • Management of different classes as per the schedule.

Now it can be an individual or group of students who can come and register to attend the class at a particular location.

What are the different methods used in CRMS:

We know the CRMS is based on the traditional school system where students and teachers interact within the four walls. Thus, we at LPS training services aim to preserve the very nature of the traditional CRMS. Different methods are used in CRMS around the globe:

  • Assertive Discipline process: It is as simple as the Boss and Employee relationship. In the class, the teacher act as the boss and the students work as the employee. They both will work together but under the rules made by the boss to get the ‘profit’ that is “to achieve the learning, positive environment and discipline” in the class.
  • Cooperative Method: Here the teacher will not act like a boss. Here the both entities the teacher and student will work cooperatively to solve the issue (indiscipline) with the reasons like “attention, power, revenge, and avoidance of failure.”
  • The three C’s: Now this method work on the “Capability, Connection, and Contribution.” How much capable the both teacher and students are, how much these two entities are connected with each other and how much the student is contributing to the class. These questions and their solution develop this CRMS.

What are positive impacts of CRMS:

Since we have understood the meaning of CRMS, let’s focus on some of the significant advantages of using it. However, the main aim of LPS training services is CMAT that is “Connect Monitor Assist and Teach.” Let’s take a look at these benefits:

  • Connect, Monitor, Assist and Teach (CMAT)

With the help of CRMS, the teacher and student get to connect with each other and communicate whenever there is any problem. The teacher will be able to monitor the progress of the students, then it will be able to assist him, and finally, a positive teaching environment is created.

  • Help in establishing an orderly management in the classroom at a sustainable level

With the aid of CRMS, the student gets to learn under a managed system where they will join the class on time, listen to the teacher carefully and help in creating discipline.

  • Enhance the meaningful academic learning

CRMS is based on the LMS used in the traditional schools and colleges. Thus, with the aid of CRMS at LPS training services, a meaningful learning in the academic style takes place.

  • Contribute to enhancing the social and emotional growth

When a student is studying in a class where different other students are also present, then both emotional and social growth of the students takes place. They get to know each other, learn together, meet new circumstances, and there are a lot of behavioral changes as well. This is what the traditional CRMS aim at.

  • Help in the overall behavioral development of the students

With the social and emotional growth, the students get to have an overall change in their behavior. They get to learn how to be in society and how to behave with the people around them based on the circumstances.

  • Make students punctual

Every class has a time, and the student should be there on time as well. If not present on time, then it may miss some of the important aspects, and thus the CRMS help the students to be punctual that will assist them in future as well.

  • Contribute to enhancing the competencies among students

Studying within the group of students, as an individual a student will want to be on the top. This feeling to compete with others, will not only help him in learning but also the aim of good education will be fulfilled.

  • Interactive way of learning and student retention

CRMS is based on the interactive learning. The student will ask, and the teacher will solve. With every lesson, new queries will be generated, and an interactive session throughout the lecture will be there. It will help in the real education. This interactive session makes the class interesting and fruitful. Thus, the students tend to stay in the class till the course is finished.

  • Immediate results and analysis that can help in further improvement

The teacher will monitor the growth of the student and based on that the further scope of improvement will open up. Thus, a quick result and steps to further development are taken quickly.

The Terminology of CRMS:

The primary goal of CRMS is to introduce the behavioral learning along with the education. Thus, there are different terms like positive behavior support (PBS), Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), CRMS software, assertive discipline technique, the three C’s and so on. With the help of these terminologies, the different CRMS work around the world to educate children. Here at LPS training services, we aim at following some of this terminology in our LMS and make sure that our student gets the best education while studying on our LMS.

What makes a CRMS successful?

The main aim of CRMS done by the LPS training services is that the overall development of the student can be enhanced while they are studying. Thus, some important aspects must be followed while we are establishing the CRMS for the students:

  • We must know what the student is expecting and how the class and the different another student will affect the behavior of the student.
  • There should be an environment where active learning is promoted, and there is a direct student involvement.
  • The teacher should be able to know that what sort of behavior is necessary to implement the knowledge that leads to success. This particular goal aim at:
    • Finding an environment in the classroom that will lead to complete learning of the student,
    • Considering the role of the students that can help everyone in the class to grasp the knowledge,
    • And finally, to establish a student teacher relationship so that teacher can not only teach students but help in their complete involvement in class.

Bottom Line:

There is no doubt that the management of the students of different classes and the administration of different class schedule plays a vital role in the successful implementation of CRMS. However, just like the traditional education system the factors that help in making a positive and active environment in using CRMS in class, plays a vital role in boosting the positive behavior of the student.

So, this is what we are aiming at the LPS training services by giving the best CRMS to our students.