E-Book Management System

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What is E-Book Management System?

E-Book or Electronic book is the book that can be accessed on electronic devices. An E-Book Management System or EMS is a way manage the numerous books online on a single platform like LPS training services. The teacher or the publishers of the book can come online and upload their e-book, and the readers can get access to it via the use of the Internet. Now the EMS can either give you book free of cost or may cost you some registration fees.  For example, at Google Books that students will have to buy the e-book at the end to get the full reading. No doubt it is open source, but students will need to pay money.

How do we define EMS?

The EMS at the LPS training services is almost similar to the Google Books. However, unlike the Google Books, the buying place is not the websites like Amazon. The professionals will upload the books at the open source EMS of LPS training services, and the student will buy the books from the LPS training services LMS. Thus, no third party is included for sale. Moreover, anyone can come to upload the books. It doesn’t matter if the person is a professional teacher or not, as long as they want to publish their book online, they can use the open source LMS of LPS training services.

What are positive impacts of EMS:

Below we are presenting some of the important benefits of using the EMS for both the publisher and the reader:

  • Get access to book from anywhere and at anytime

Once you have uploaded or bought the book, you can read it online from anywhere and at any time. All you need is a compatible device and the Internet.

  • Store maximum number of books

The size of the book as compared to space provide to store the books is small, and thus one can buy the highest number of books and save them all at one place online.

  • An environmental friendly tool to read

In e-book, paper is not used. Thus, there is no need to cut any tree, so the use of e-book is an environmental friendly tool of study.

  • No need for extra space

In your room, in your bag and at your school, you don’t need some extra space to place the book. All you need is a laptop, computer or mobile phone to store the book on the online cloud provided by the portal of EMS.

  • Cost efficient and time saver

The cost of an e-book is way less than the hard copy of that book. Because there is no use of paper and printing, thus you can get the books for your entire curriculum at a meager price. Moreover, at the LPS training services, you will get the access to the thousands of books thus there is no need to waste time in searching the book online.

  • Easily portable

Since your book is on the online cloud, you can open the book on multiple devices at a time. At home, you can use your computer, in the park or in a car you can use your mobile and so on. Thus, the use of EMS to access the e-book make it a portable way to read.

  • Provide a flexible way of learning

You can read while eating, walking and even when you are on holiday. You don’t need to pick the heavy books all the time when you want to read. Only get the access to your phone, and your book will be in your hand.

  • Providing text to speech functionality

Many e-books have text to speech functionality embedded in them and the EMS also provide compatibility to it. Thus, even the students who have reading issues or vision problems can study with the help of this feature.

  • Can consist multi-media and web links

E-books come with the online links to relevant or reference websites. So simply by clicking on the link, the student can get access to the extra material that will help them in understanding the concept. There is less need to do the additional online search. E-book and the EMS provide the connectivity with web outside the LMS portal.

  • Never out of stock and no need to wait for shipping

An e-book will never be out of stock even when thousands of readers have bought it. Once you have bought the book, you can read it. You don’t have to wait for shipping, but get the instant delivery on your registered account.

What are the different Types of EMS and what make an EMS Successful:

The types of EMS is based on the format of the E-book. Most of the e-books are in pdf and can be accessed by any portal available online. Some books may be of AZW format that can be viewed on the Amazon portal. Some books come with the ODF format which is similar to the pdf file can be accessed from anywhere and at any portal.

However, the use of e-book reader and the compatibility of the book with the reader also plays an important role.  Like The reflowable books on Amazon Kindle, you can access them on any device and the book format will adjust according to the screen.

Then we have fixed layout, where there will be no change with the modification of the device. Only the reading will be hampered due to the fixed layout.

Finally, the E-PDF that is an e-book like a PDF file and run on a reader similar to the pdf viewers. They are specially designed for the electronic devices and thus don’t have the compatibility issue.

Thus, in short, the choice of the format and the selection of the reader, make a huge impact on the success of EMS. The e-book should be able to open on any device and should give a perfect readability as well.

Hence while making the book, the publishers should take the format and reader into account.

The Terminology used in EMS:

Numerous terms like the AZW, PDF, ODF, E-book readers like E-Pub, Kindle, e-book creation software in both online and offline formats, and so on are the terms associated with the EMS and determine the efficiency of the system.

Bottom Line:

In e-learning and distant education, e-books play a significant role. Once you get access to the book after paying the money, you will be able to have it for life. This is what the open source eBook MS at the LPS training services aim at. We are making the numerous of e-book available to the students and reader at the reasonable prices as posted by the people who uploaded the books. It is a portal connecting the publishers to the readers.