Forum Management System

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What is Forum?

A forum is a platform provided online where the people with similar interests come together and share their views and knowledge. A forum is not an open platform but a closed platform with specific regulations that must be followed by the members of the panel. If a person is not doing so then, such person will be removed from the forum, or he will not be allowed to start any new topic or a further discussion. Thus a forum is the regulated platform of sharing information.

How do we define Forum Management System?

When it comes to education, there can be different forums based on the subjects and members. Here at LPS training services, the forums are made and managed based on the type of members. The forums that are available for the people to join at the FMS of LPS are:

  1. Student-Teacher forum where both the students and teachers can come and enter.
  2. Teacher-Teacher Forums where only teachers are allowed to join.
  3. Students-Students forums where different students can participate but no teacher.

Based on all these cardinals the FMS will not only add the members, but it will also moderate the posts and help the forum to run smoothly without any spam or unwanted information. Moreover, with the help of FMS, the local and international student and teachers can come together in a forum and share knowledge.

Value of Forum and Forum Management System

Before we get the benefits of an FMS there is one crucial application that should be noted:

“An FMS is the mode of managing the discussion that is happening on the forum. It is not only a discussion platform where the knowledge is being shared, but it is a platform that is connecting the students and teachers throughout the world and giving them to a chance to share their Knowledge. In short, the FMS provided by the LPS training services is a platform that allows the educators to come together and educate the world connected to them via FMS.”

Now below we are inculcating some of the essential applications of using a forum in education and FMS:

  • Extended classroom learning

With the help of the educational forums, there is a room for distant education and extended classroom learning. It is possible only due to the chat and discussion features on every topic that has been posted either as a query or for knowledge sharing. Thus even after the class, the students can learn.

  • Promoting individual learning

Since a person is looking at different comments, topics and discussion individually, so he is learning all alone by grasping all the information available in the various comments made by the other students or teachers. The person who is learning can either be any student or a teacher as well.

  • Enhancing the critical thinking

The knowledge is grasped with the help of reading that also helps in promoting the critical thinking. The student will read and decrypt the instruction available by thinking about the topic and discussing the individual queries coming in his mind.

  • Enhancing a professional communication

With the help of forums where only the professional educators are allowed the join, the students, and other rookie educators get to experience the professional and knowledgeable conversations during any chat or discussion happening on the forum.

  • A democratic platform of exchanging thoughts

From democratic, we are emphasizing the ‘right to speech’ where the member of the forum can share their thoughts and views about the new topics. Based on their opinion new information can be shared, and a further discussion can be started. So everyone is free to share their views with one condition that they should not be irrelevant to the concept of the forum.

  • Providing a full time response

Both the students and teachers have ample time to give the appropriate and perfect solution to the problem that has been asked by the other teacher or student on the forum. The time given helps in getting the best solution to the problem and thus helps in providing the perfect answer to the query.

  • Flexibility and convenient knowledge sharing

Anyone can access the forum anytime they want. Therefore there is flexible timing. Moreover, it can be accessed from any device with the help of the internet; thus it is a convenient way of knowledge sharing.

  • Free of cost

The cost of registration is entirely free therefore it is an affordable mode of getting the education.

  • Expert content and expert response

In any forum, only the expert and relevant people are added. Thus, while a person is seeking an answer to any query, only the competent and professional solutions will be there for the person.

The terminology of Forum and FMS

When a person is thinking to join any forum, then it comes in connection with the terms like chats, threads, topics, spam, moderation systems, off-topic, signature tag, word filter, emoticons and so on. For any FMS, moderation system plays a vital role as this is what FMS aim to do, i.e., “making a forum successful by moderating the activities and the content of the forum.

Knowledge sharing Via FMS

The main source of knowledge in a forum is the different posts that have been posted by the people. The different queries of the students, the answers to different queries, different discussion topics, different multi-media and quick links that have been shared by the teachers or the students and the chat box provided by the FMS at the LPS training services are the different modes of sharing information and knowledge.

One more thing to be noted is that, on the education forums, the posts and topics should be related to education. Thus, the members of the forum and their interest in sharing knowledge with one another are the primary sources of knowledge sharing within the FMS.

How to make a Forum successful using the FMS

For making any forum or FMS successful, it is essential that the closed discussion group that has been formed using the portal should stick to the interest. The rules and regulation of the forum play an essential role in the success of any forum. Below we are inculcating some points that help in making any forum successful:

  1. Activity and the Content: The movement of the members of the forum plays an essential role in the success of any FMS. The members should not only be active, but they should post the relevant content. Thus the topic of the discussion, the queries and the multi-media or the quick links to the solutions should be consistent.
  2. Rule and regulation: Any forum has a specific set of rules that should be followed. So these rules should not only be strict, but there should be some moderators who help in the proper application of these regulations. This is something, FMS at LPS training services aim at.

Bottom line:

In a nutshell, an FMS is the moderation system with an aim that not only let the teachers and students register on the platform, but also look at their activities and make sure that the topics and the content are relevant. Here at LPS training services, we are “providing a worldwide moderated platform where both students and teachers come together and share their knowledge.” With the help of FMS, we are promoting individual learning and knowledge sharing.