Game Based Management System

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What is Game-Based Learning?

Games based learning (GBL) is the way of teaching with the help of games. Different quiz, debates, tournaments and the inter-school activities are some of the means of promoting GBL in the traditional learning system. In the e-learning and the LMS providing services like the LPS training services, computer gaming is the new trend of GBL, where games are made in according to the syllabus with specific rules and guidelines to teach the students.

How do we define Game-Based Management System?

Here at LPS training services, the Game based management system is the portal that allows the developer to develop the games and students to play the game. The developer of the LPS will make different exciting games for the students and with the help of the registration portal the game will be made available to the students. They can get access to it online once they have registered. The main aim is to convert the syllabus into the game and educate students. It is a new and highly efficient approach because gaming leads to overall development of our brain. Moreover, the teachers can also come on the portal and enjoy gaming so that they can develop a new pattern of teaching.

Value of Game-Based learning and Game-Based Management System

There is no doubt that too much of gaming can never be beneficial but when the study is mixed with the gaming then for the students it can be an exciting way to get the education. So to understand the value of game-based learning, there is one point that one should focus on i.e.

Game-based learning helps in the overall development of the brain and makes the study curriculum interesting for the students.”

Moreover, the parents do not have to worry when their child is playing the game when he is studying.

There are following benefits of game-based learning and the presence of GMS by the LPS training services:

  • Enhancing the memory of the students

Gaming helps in strengthening the mind of a student, because for any game the student will have to remember the moves and then move ahead. Based on the steps and other strategically implementation done by the brain, there is memory enhancement of a child.

  • Helping the challenged students with learning issues

Students who are unable to study due to any disability or learning issue can explore with the help of the game designed by the LPS training services.

  • Making student fluent in computer simulation

Gaming is simulated on the computer. If the education and computer simulation come together, then it is beneficial for the students in the long run. Thus games help in the fluency of computer simulation.

  • Learning by doing- Enhancing the fast thinking and problem-solving capabilities

When education is mixed with the gaming, then we are trying to give the students a real-life experience with the precise situation. Thus a student is learning by doing, and this strengthens the fast thinking and solving abilities of the students.

  • Helping to develop the hand-eye coordination

Games do not only need a closer look but need quick hands as well. As our eyes move on the screen, our hands as well. Thus our brain works with the hand-eye coordination that enhances the functionality of the brain. Therefore, GMS developed by the LPS training services play a vital role in strengthening the functionality of a student’s mind.

  • A perfect way to skill building

With the help of the games, diverse skills like the learning, thinking, simulation, hand-eye coordination and quick response can be improved. All these play a vital role in the day to day functioning of a human being.

  • Motivation and engagement skills

When a group of student is playing a game then with the help of the prizes and specific point system can help in motivating the students. It further helps in evolving the engagement skills of the students. These skills help the students in the long run.

  • Enhancing social Skills

The engagement in the activities of the game and the group games help in improving the social skills of a student. Thus, with the help of GMS provided by the LPS training services, the student learns how to work in a group.

  • An exciting way of learning for kids where parents do not have to worry

Games are loved by the students. Thus when the teacher says that there will be a gaming session, then students get excited. SO with the help of the GMS, the students are getting an exciting way to study, and their parents do not have to worry as their child is playing to study not for fun.

  • Enhancing competitive nature that helps in improving learning

One more important benefit of using the GMS is that the competitive nature of the child is accelerated and it helps in education. Moreover, in future, the feeling to compete and win helps in job success as well.

The terminology of GMS

Digital game-based learning (DGBL), GBL, gamification, instruction strategy, e-learning, simulation environment, educational games, applications, players, and so on are some of the terms associated with the GMS. With the help of these words, new games are developed, and study is motivated via gaming.

Knowledge sharing via GMS

To understand how knowledge is shared with the help of GMS, one must realize how game-based learning actually works. The rules are simple “to get good grades in term of points; the students will have to learn and win the game.” With every win, the student will learn something. Once the game is won, it is implied that the new strategies have been learned by the students.

Now it depends on what type of game is being played by the student. Is it the simulation game, 3-D or group games? Based on all these artifacts and the instructions that are helping a person to play a game, the knowledge is shared by the game developers.

Moreover, after every game completion, the motivation behind the game can be described so that student can understand the actual value of the game. Online gaming portals like GMS, group games, tournaments and other activities help in knowledge sharing.

So it is the instruction, gaming pattern, point system and description of the game that help in the knowledge sharing of the game.

How to make a GMS successful

To make any educational GMS successful, it is essential that the curriculum is embedded in the games carefully. Every step of the game, every result of the game should be related to a specific part of the education.

Since you are making the games so that the students can study, so make sure that the games are interesting, fun and knowledgeable for the students altogether. The game setup and view should be student friendly.

The compatibility of the GMS with the devices also plays a vital role. Games should be made compatible with both computer and mobiles.

Bottom line:

A game based learning system all about how well it can help in educating the students. Thus a reliable game and a stable GMS is something that should be maintained altogether. It is something LPS training services aim at.

“Giving education with fun and making it interesting for the students” is the main idea of GMS at the LPS training services.