Video Management System

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What is Video Management System:

The use of multimedia that is audio and video, with the help of graphics along with the highly professional and problem-solving content, is highly promoted in the education system. Video management system or VMS is one of the ways that helps in maintaining the videos available online for different students to learn and get good grades. However, for various websites and different companies, there are different ways to manage the VMS.

How do we define VMS:

At LPS training services, we are providing a VMS that is completely open source. The teachers, professionals, and anyone with the experience to teach can come online and upload their lecture on LMS for sale. The students can register and buy the online packages to study. In this way, we are making a VMS that will not only connect the professionals and students from all over the world but will also help in improving the education rate around the globe.

What are positive impacts of VMS:

Below we are explaining the set of advantages that our students can avail using the VMS provided by the LPS training services:

  • Providing an authentic way to study

With the use of multimedia, presentations and video lectures, the students get to have a trusted way of study. The slides, examples and the various data provided by the professionals in the video can be trusted as it is the natural human nature. People trust what they see. Moreover, when you are studying, instead of reading, listening to the teachers help to grasp the more knowledge.

  • Open Source VMS

The VMS provided at the LPS training services is Open Source. Thus, anyone can upload the lessons, lectures, and videos from all over the world. They can share their knowledge and make money by helping the numerous students around the world.

  • Developing the brain of students by making them think and use a problem-solving attitude with mastery learning

With the help of multimedia, the students can engage with the teacher directly. The questions asked, the problem presented in the slides and other different contents help the students to think and develop their brain toward problem-solving. Thus, a problem-solving attitude can be developed among the students using videos.

  • Study anywhere and at anytime

On the portal at the LPS training services, the videos are uploaded. The students will have to buy the package, and once the payment is made, they can study whenever and wherever they want.

  • The 3 Cs (Cost efficient, comfortable and convenient)

Indeed the 3 Cs will be implemented very quickly with the use of VMS by the LPS training services. The students can get an education without paying for any extra tuition. They can sit at their home and study whenever they want. The massive fees for the additional classes can be saved. It is easy to use because after the one-time payment the students can watch it whenever they want. Thus, it provides a feeling of comfort as well.

  • Time-saving and profitable

Now the students do not have to go for extra tuition. They can stay at their home, study and practice all they want. It will not only save their time, but it will help them in improving their marks or grades.

  • Creating an interesting way of studying that can inspire and engage students

Videos and the use of multimedia in education are highly promoted these days. With the help of fascinating slides, interesting examples and way of teaching that will hook the students and make them focus on learning is used by the professionals who are making the video. The use of multimedia provides extra help to the students by making their studying experience more enjoyable.

  • Cutting the cost of online broadcast and the use of heavy equipment

Since professionals from all over the world will be uploading the lessons, there is no need of networking and using the heavy equipment to broadcast the teaching. The students will buy the media and learn. All people need is to use an HD camera and record the lecture. Once recorded the video will be uploaded online for students to buy and learn.

  • Special videos for the deaf students

Yes, with the help of the VMS provided by us, the students who are deaf or have some hearing problem can use the videos to learn. These videos are specially designed for with the help of the professionals using the sign language.

What are the different Types of VMS:

When we are talking about the kind of VMS, then we are focusing on how the data is presented in the video. Well below we are telling you some of the ways that used by the professionals to make videos and help the students:

  1. The use of Slides: Well, here the teacher will be using the different slides and explaining them one by one. These slides will not only be coving the content, but they will have problems and their solutions.
  2. Videos with transcripts: Yes, with every video a transcript will be provided so that students can read and learn after watching the video. This helps in generating a problem-solving attitude and self-learning in the student.
  3. Video for hearing-impaired students: Now the professionals will use the sign language to help the students with hearing issues. There will be an exclusive audio when the teacher is using the signs for the students. Thus, the student and the person who is helping them to learn can communicate in case the student is not getting the points. The use of transcript plays a vital role here as well.

At LPS training services we allow the deaf students to learn as well, as people who want to help them can upload the videos as well.

The Terminology used in VMS:

When you are working VMS then you will encounter the terms like CMS, LMS, multi-media, e-learning, digital learning, transcripts, slides, presentations, mastery learning, authentic learning and so on.

What makes a VMS project successful?

To make the VMS at the LPS training services more fruitful and successful, professionals will need to focus on following set of information:

  • The content: Indeed, the content of the lesson should be highly educating, presented in a professional manner and should be easy to understand for the students. It should be focusing all the queries that must come in the curious brains of the students and must provide the complete solution to them. The content should be interesting as well as educating.
  • Multi-media quality and compatibility: The quality of the media should be clear so that the students can see the video and hear it clearly. For the hearing-impaired students a special focus should be on maintaining the quality of the video. Moreover, the video should be able to run on every mobile device such as computer, laptops, palm tops and tablets.

Bottom Line:

At LPS training services we are making an LMS that is open source, and anyone can get the benefits by using it. The professionals can use it to teach, and the students can use to learn. We are implementing an open source digital learning environment. There are special packages for deaf students as well, so the people who want to help them can make contributions as well by uploading the videos that can assist them.