Webinar Management System

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What is Webinar?

A web-based seminar a.k.a. a webinar is a new way of connecting with the peer around the globe closely with the help of online video demonstration. All a presenter need is a WMS software, best content and a promotional strategy that can help one in having the best webinar of all time. We at LPS training service aims at helping the different professionals around the globe to present the best webinars in front of the maximum peer. The data is showcased in the form of slides, demonstrations, videos, and audios. With the help of software, the people listening can engage with anchor using the chat option, Q&A, polls and so on.

How do we define Webinar Management System?

A webinar management system a.k.a. WMS is the type of software which aims to help the professionals to have a successful webinar. With the aid of specialized software provided by the LPS training services, the presenter can have features like:

  1. Online chat, online sharing of documents and other relevant media that will either act as the information source or queries from both side- the peer and the presenter.
  2. PDF illustrations and Online recoding that will be used to send the webinar to those who are not attending the live session.
  3. Gathering feedbacks and reviews.
  4. Poll, Q&A and other query and solution sharing
  5. Supporting multiple presenters

Value of Webinar and Webinar Management System?

The webinar is playing a vital role in e-learning these days. Students can get the knowledge by joining the educational webinar; companies are training their employees using webinar and services are being promoted with the help of webinar. The main aim of a webinar is “connecting the presenter with the peer closely with the help of most trusted way that is Audio and Video.” Below we are telling you some of the significant benefits of webinar and WMS:

  1. CTC (Convenient, Time saving and Comfortable)

A webinar is a convenient and comfortable mode of sharing information. The presenter does not have to go anywhere special to present the seminar and listeners do not have to be under one roof. All we need is a webcam, WMS software, internet and supported device “to present and to gain” the knowledge. It saves a lot of time and hassle from them.

  1. Cost effective and profitable

With the help WMS, the presenter does not need to pay extra money to present a seminar. There is no reason to book big halls and heavy equipment. With the help of a webcam and supported software one can submit a successful webinar. It makes a profitable deal for large companies as well who want to promote their products and services.

  1. PCM (Promotion, Customer Retention and marketing)

Most of the webinars presented by the sales executives of the business are to promote the services to the people. With the blended and product webinars, they promote the idea and the working of the service. It also helps in customer retention and nurturing.

  1. Interactive learning session

With the aid of WMS, the peer and the anchor can have interactive sessions with the help of polls, online chat, questions-answers and so on. Hence an interactive session is made while learning and presenting.

  1. Affordable

No doubt that the webinars are affordable to people. Most of these seminars are free of cost, and all people need to add their email id for registration purposes. The educational webinars that may charge are affordable as well with low cost and high information.

  1. Lead generation

The registration is done on the invitations, and the number of attendees acts as the lead for the next seminar and business. With the help of webinar, the host communicates with a targeted segments.

  1. Making networks and close communication

With the help of webinars, people with selected interests connect with the host. Thus a proper system is established, and a close communication takes place with such people. Luckily sometimes one can get a chance meet and communicate with the business leaders as well.

  1. Recording and downloading the webinar

With the help of WMS, the host can record the webinar, download it can then send it to the attendees who were unable to attend the live recording. Thus a network can be maintained even after the event is done. It helps in getting new listeners for future.

  1. A global reach

With the help of webinar and WMS, a host can present a seminar to the peers around the world without any special efforts. It is all possible due to the internet and easy to use WMS for both computers and mobile devices.

The terminology of Webinar and WMS

When the person is talking about the webinar, then the professionals associate the terms like web conferencing, e-learning, multimedia like audio and video, certain internet protocol like VoIP, screen sharing, application sharing, CMS, CUEs mobinar, nurturing, customer retention and so on. All these terms are either related to working of the webinar or how webinar is helping us in having benefits.

Knowledge sharing Via Webinar

Webinar or the web-based seminars are playing a crucial role when it comes to sharing the information. Thus below we are presenting some of the important types of webinars that help in the exchange of information with the people around the globe:

  1. Educational: This type of presentation is used in the e-learning where the host aims at giving educational information to the student. It can be paid or unpaid depending on the kind of e-learning.
  2. Blended: Blended webinar is the type of webinar that will act as the demonstration of some business ideas and considerations. They are the mixtures of educational and product webinars that not only tell the listeners about the product but also promote it.
  3. Product: This seminar is the demonstration of the decided product. The sole purpose is to promote the services and final product.

How to make a webinar successful using the WMS

When a host is thinking of making a webinar fortunate then first and foremost thing to choose is the suitable WMS. Here at LPS training services we provide the best software to the anchor and manage the event by following the steps:

  1. Choosing the perfect software: We provide the best software to the host that not only help in solving the technical issues like audio and video but also assist in the engagement of the maximum attendees. The people who are listening to the presentation will be engaged with the support of polls, Q&A sessions, and social media connection and so on.

Moreover, the software should be used on the mobiles in the form of applications as well.

  1. Managing the schedule: Yes, to administer the calendar of the event plays an important role. When to send the invitation, when to send the final notification to the attendees, record the current webinar and then sending it those who have not joined the webinar live and so on are managed within a timeline.

Bottom line:

Conclusively, Webinar is a mean of presenting the knowledge, views, perspective, and demonstration with the help of a software and webcam. WMS like the LPS training services plays a vital role in making sure that every webinar hosted and managed through them can be successful. Both the host and the WMS aim at one goal that is “To give knowledge and get the maximum peer to attend the nest seminar full of new ideas and concepts.” In a nutshell, it is to present a successful web-seminar online.