This book considers how to detect a cheating spouse. Many studies have been conducted into detecting cheating spouses, but none has taken a broad view of it as done in this book. This work focuses on the global context of cheating, how the concept is received in different contexts and most importantly, how it can be curbed. This book has as its predominant goal, how to reduce broken relationships and make the world take a utopian shape through marital institutions.
In the course of doing this, many theories were considered and used to substantiate claims made at each point. Further, other societal descriptions and definitions were made use of as the concept of emotional relationship is more of sociology than sciences. This book aptly epitomizes the perfect combination of scientific knowledge with societal experiences embellished with an artistic prowess of the author. For the purpose of clear understanding of each concept, the book is divided into seventeen chapters while each chapter is further categorized into subheadings to make the needs of individuals catered for.
It was discovered that both men and women cheat, but for different reasons. While men are said to be physically attracted to people, women are described as emotional beings. However, in some instances, the descriptions become intriguingly complicated that the distinct descriptions intertwined. In such cases, the writer takes his time to give a vivid, lucid and convincing explanation on each and backs it up with relevant case studies.
This book is solution-driven. Apart from the apt portrayal of different cheating scenarios, perfect and tested solutions are provided in each case. The writer supports his research and decades of experience in related field with hundreds of surveys carried out for the purpose of this book. This helps readers in having a clear view of the problems and more importantly, it makes them understand that what they are currently passing through is not unique to them alone.
From the findings, it can be inferred that cheating in a relationship goes beyond the mere concept of partners being unsatisfied with their spouses. In many instances, there are many other hidden reasons which in the conventional world, could not have been imagined. In conclusion, this book reveals that cheating is one of the major reasons most relationships do not work out. More so, the effects of being cheated on haunts their victims for a long duration of time.
To know what bi-sexuality is. There are lots of myths about bi-sexuality. In this book, I will reel out six myths about bi-sexuality. One of the major ones that would be perused is that bi-sexual beings are more likely to cheat. Cheating is not about bi-sexuality but individual urge. In addition, the most ridiculous of all is the opinion that bi-sexuality does not exist. A major aim of the chapter is to prove that bi-sexuality is a reality and those who are bi-sexual are people of circumstances—they never made a choice to be one. From there, we will delve into the discourse of how naturally curious people who involve in same-sex relationships are. This section is to quench our thirst on why people decide to go for same-sex relationship—what is their driving force? Based on the foregoing, we will check if the days of hetero-exclusivity were gone. This segment is to compare facts and see ways in which relationships have evolved like beasts just a few decades ago. Furthermore, I will discuss the concept of fantasy vs. reality. One of the major reasons why relationships hit the rock is that people fail to confront the reality of their situations; they are always lost in fantasies.
To peruse the reasons why people are insecure in the relationship. While the first two chapters were only meant to lay a general foundation for the book, this chapter launches you into the realities of cheating in relationships. One of the reasons why many people are insecure in their affairs is that they think their partner cheats on them. While this might be true in some cases, in many other instances, it is discovered that the thought is usually a figment of the person’s imaginations. I will start off by highlighting factors that lead to insecurity in relationships. The top on the list is inordinate fear. When people are afraid unnecessarily, they tend to insinuate what isn’t in existence. Furthermore, some other realities of relationships would be discussed in this section. First, the honeymoon phase doesn’t last. When you understand this reality, when things change you will not be moved beyond limits. So, some of the things to expect would be discussed in this phase. Also, we must understand that normal people change and this does not translate to cheating. Thus, change is not the same thing as cheating. So, how do we know the difference between cheating and normal change? This segment will answer the question.
To know the signs that one’s husband has a boyfriend. As noted earlier, relationship has gradually evolved into a beast. What used to be seen as weird occurrences are now normal part of our existence. Some few decades ago, nobody approves of gay marriage, however, many nations have now affirmed that it is legal. Men now have sexual intercourse with other men. The concern of this chapter is not to pass any judgment whether it is good or not but to know why men cheat with men. There are two possible victims in a scenario like this—a woman in love with the man or another man who is legally bound to the man. Whichever the case, it doesn’t change the fact from being cheating. First, I will highlight some few normal attributes of guys which should not make you panic when you notice them in your man. Then, we will arm ourselves with the necessary red flags to know one’s husband has been hijacked by another man. The chapter would be ended by teaching you how you can monitor your husband’s activities on dating sites. In many cases, spouses make wrong assumptions about their partners—this is very wrong and can lead to the unexpected.
To discuss the signs to look out for in order to be sure your girlfriend is promiscuous. This chapter is designed to serve as the other side of the coin of the preceding chapter. While chapter four focuses on men, this enlightens you on women. So, at the end of this lesson, the game should be balanced. The sexual orientation of women dictates if they would be promiscuous or not. So, this will serve as the foundation on which every other point discussed in the chapter will rest on. May I quickly chip in that when you are in a relationship with a bi-sexual woman, don’t expect her to be faithful to you alone—it is just beyond her control. The main thrust of our discussion will be on how to unravel facts of your girlfriend being a cheat. There are two major things that define a woman—feminine touch and appetite for sex. When these two are lost in her, it means she’s probably gone out of your way. Be careful, however, not to zero your mind when you notice traces of these signs. There are many other clusters you need to know which are creatively discussed in this chapter.
To know the signs that one’s partner is planning to stray. Prevention, they say, is better than cure. This is much more potent when it comes to emotional issues. Many relationships that have gone out of hands wouldn’t have been if one of the partners had noticed the warning signs and took proactive steps in preventing them. This chapter will be better appreciated by young people planning to start their relationship. After the introductory aspect, I will discuss the warning bell sound every wife needs to listen to about the activities of their husband. This chapter is not only problem-based, it will also discuss ways in which you can work against the problems before they gain expression. The other aspect of the segment will discuss signs of a wife about to get out of their territory. If you allow a woman misinterpret your actions, that might serve as a veritable ground for her to stray. Also, does she complain of the frequency of your sex life? These and more other factors are potential red flags that she is about to look somewhere else for satisfaction. However, you need not to panic when you discover all these as I will give you a systemic guideline through which you can easily perfect things.
To know the signs of a strayed partner. Sometimes, things get out of hands and happen when we least expect their occurrence. Unsuspecting spouses are the usual victims of marital betrayal. A person that will cheat would have been showing some signs, no matter how little they are. If, however, you fail to catch the glimpses of these signs, how do you become sure that they’ve strayed? This is what the section is about to peruse. As it has been our practice since the beginning of the book, I will first discuss the signs of a cheating husband. When men become cheats, how do they behave—are they withdrawn from their spouses or show more enthusiasm to cover up their inadequacies? The first sub-section gives apt answer to the poser. The second segment sheds light on the lifestyle of a cheating wife. Women are driven by their emotions to cheat. Be default, the emotional state of women makes them to be extraordinarily jealous but, in a situation, where a lady no longer cares if you cheat on her, that shows she has gone past you. Many more signs are highlighted under this section.
To learn the best way to confront one’s spouse. All the signs discussed in the preceding chapter are not enough proof for you to take actions against your spouse. The final and most vital step you must take is that you confront the person and either affirm or quash out your fears. This looks simple and straightforward on the pages of a book but unimaginably scary in reality. This doesn’t infer that it is not feasible—you only need to be dexterous about it. Remember that unclarified thoughts are silent killers. Before setting out to confront your partner, there are seven unique questions which you must ask yourself. If the responses are holistic and encouraging, it means you can go ahead with the hard conversation. In order to ensure that you record success during the hard conversation with your partner, gather your evidence and table them before him/she chronologically. Evidence foregrounds whatever view is expressed. So, I will take you through ways you can intelligently confront your spouse with evidence and get them to speak the truth. This does not mean you cannot confront them without evidence. There is a way you can do that without invoking their anger. This chapter arms you with the knowledge for this endeavor.
To know if denial is a sign of infidelity or not. The hard conversation you had with your spouse is bound to either lead to an affirmation of your fear or denial of the allegations. Yes, it is simply a coin of two sides. If the person affirms that they have truly gone astray, that eases your job as you know the next step to take. However, if they deny, you are still left in the dark as you are confused on either to believe them or hold on to your suspicions. First, denial might actually be a sign of infidelity. In this module, I will highlight statements your spouse might possible utter to make denial which contrastingly confirms they are promiscuous. If you approach them with every sense of decency but they react negatively, it is surely a red flag that they have something to hide. On the other hand, a denial might truly be one. In such an instance, your partner will not react negatively but take out time to explain the events surrounding your suspicions. In the same vein, they will peruse further to know what led to such thoughts.
To know how to hold a hard conversation with yourself. More often than not, we are usually controlled by our own sentiments. We erroneously believe that we are right and our thoughts should not be questioned. That is why you see people who are obviously wrong but fail to acknowledge their shortcoming. The best way to overcome this human weakness is to hold a sincere, thorough and hard conversation with yourself. Remember that any decision taken in haste is always full of unimaginable consequences. After the conversation with your spouse, whether they deny or confess, you need to move to a solitary place and think hard. This chapter gives a guide you should follow in having a fruitful conversation with yourself. The starting point is that what next do you do. Are you willing to give peace a chance or call it a day with them? Six other major questions are highlighted under this segment to ask yourself. If the final decision is to stay in the relationship, then what are your responsibilities to the new commitment and your spouse? In all, forget not to close your mind to possibilities. That is the best way sincere ideas can flow within you.
To understand ways you can play detectives. People have erroneously believed that being a detective is an exclusive right of some select people. Yes, that is true but there is nothing that stops you from being one over your emotional affair. In this chapter, I will train you on how to detect your spouse without their knowledge. You first major weapon is their mobile phone. There is hardly any way they can be promiscuous without the use of their phones. Through their cellphones, you can affirm if they are on a dating site or not. Even if you fail to find an account linked to their names, you can always use other means to be discussed in this chapter in trapping them down. Catching them in the act has numerous repercussions which you might not be able to bear alone. In this book, you will know the steps to take so as not to be caught in the web of regrets. Another way of playing detective is to enlist the help of friends and family. However, this will only be feasible if they are co-operative. If they are otherwise, you can make use of them without their knowledge. You think this is a herculean task? A read through this chapter proves otherwise!
To understand ways you can take advantage of technology. Technological inventions are not only advantageous to us in the corporate or professional world; they are also of great use in our private endeavors. When you think your spouse is cheating on you, just rely on technology and take the right steps, before you know it, they are caught red-handedly. Apps that can track the movement and activities of people are littered online and can be downloaded for free. In the opening session of the chapter, I will highlight six of those apps, how you can make use of them and track the activities of your spouse. Also, you can use their phones to expose them. However, this requires beyond conventional knowledge. Usually, they hide suspicious features of their phone but they can easily be reversed once you get hold of the device. In this section you will learn how to do that and other things to focus on as a way of gathering your evidence. Google location tracker is an indispensable ally when detecting the activities of your spouse. Many other apps would be discussed in the chapter.
To know the free tools to use in discovering infidelity. Most times, due to financial demands, people are unable to purchase the online tools in tracking their partners. However, paucity of funds should not make you a victim of unjust circumstances. More so, there is hardly any infidel that will confess their shameful act to you if they are not caught in the act. This book is very rich in every aspect and one of the fundamental assignments to undertake in this section is to reel out some of the proven and tested free tools you can rely on to know the social media activities of your mate. 3 apps you can use freely are discussed and then, your job becomes easier if you know the password to their email address. If you don’t always have access to a laptop, you can also bank on your phone with some of the apps that would be discussed. In some cases, it is very difficult to install the apps on the person’s phone but there are some you don’t need to stress yourself in installing on their devices. Ensure you choose the one that can perfectly do your biddings.
How to enlist the help of outsiders. There are instances you need to enlist the help of professionals before you can know of the promiscuous ways of your partner. Some of them are simply too smart and will do everything to hide their dirty linens from you. So, when you bring in a professional, they do the dirty job that you are unable to do. However, not every private investigator is worth hiring for such a delicate case. Remember that your emotional life revolves round it and if the person makes a mess out of it, it is tantamount to making a mess out of your life. First, I will guide you on factors to consider before you hire any private investigator. The person must not only be familiar with the environment, but must also have proven results in the field. An amateur will only test run their ability with your case. In the same vein, after the person has been awarded the job, give them a breathing space for them to do their job. Remember that you could not do it that was why you hired them and you must respect them for this. Your own interference can affect the overall outcome of the investigation. These and many other things will be discussed in this module.
To learn the best way to confront a cheating spouse. Confronting a cheating spouse is the ultimate step to being set free. Being set free here doesn’t mean you are walking away. It means you either walk away or reorganize your life with your partner. Whichever one you choose to do should be based on an informed action. The first concept to be discussed in this chapter is how to work things out. Let me categorically state that this action is not meant for everyone. When you think things have gone beyond what you can bear, it is better you call it a day. If, however, you believe you still want to be with your spouse despite their shortcomings, I will teach you ways in which you can easily do that in this segment. The other option that is obviously available is walking away. However, it doesn’t work out easily as it sounds. Remember that when you decide to take your leave, there might not be the opportunity to turn back again. So, what are the ideal situations in which one can walk out? This book teaches just that.
To learn the best way to protect yourself. In every conflict scenario, what seems most vital is self-protection. If you decide to close your eyes to realities of your relationship, they will haunt you when you least expect them to do so. The aim of this chapter is to teach you how not to fall victim of infidelity. This chapter is apt for those preparing to start an emotional relationship. There are some signs you should look out for in a person before you give in to their love proposal. Are they a serial cheater? How do you know if they are? —this chapter arms you with the knowledge. If peradventure you’ve given in to their love proposal, there are other signs that will manifest before you get in too deep. When they complain of your dominance and redirect their energy to other worthless things, it means they are into another person. Before you spend your time and resources on such a person, reconsider your stance again. Many other signs that will guide you into making an informed decision are highlighted in this chapter.
To understand how to break away from the cycle. Keeping yourself in perpetual abuses is nothing but a disservice to yourself and your future. It is tantamount to trading your happiness and joy for nothing. This is no doubt the most ridiculous way to lead one’s life. My aim in this final chapter is to teach you how you can break away from this cycle of insults and abuses without losing your integrity. When you are in a relationship with a homosexual, it isn’t a choice of yours. No matter how you tend to satisfy them, they still have the taste for infidelity. In this circumstance, look beyond yourself and embrace your strength. On the other hand, if she has lesbian tendencies, you never triggered it in them. Many people are now advocating of the expression “relationship is about love and not gender.” So, if you should move out of this planet to please them, they will still not be satisfied. More importantly, you should not run away from the fact that monogamy is not meant for everyone. Some people are wired to play around and have many lovers. If you find yourself with a person like this, there is hardly anything you can do to stop them from being promiscuous. In conclusion, I will teach you how to set healthy boundaries for yourself.