This study considers what goes on in every criminal mind. Although it is a complex and tiring intellectual endeavor which many people try to run away from, but it was approached in a mature, apt and result-oriented manner by the author. The study reveals that with law enforcement officers can rely on the instrumentality of body language and the vast understanding of the mind to peruse a criminal’s thought. Unraveling secret is not a child’s play and as such, calls for attention, expertise and mastery of the essential details. This study reveals how law enforcement officers can get suspects let out their greatest secrets without being coerced. However, in order to make people divulge their secrets to you, you must first master the secrets of body language because it serves as the potent tool through which you get to the inner most part of people’s thoughts.
Perhaps, one of the greatest findings of this study is the place of behavior in understanding humans. If anyone wishes to have an unarguable understanding of people, you must first get hold of their behavior. Behavior is what defines everyone and it is indeed the trademark which we carry about. It is divided into two—conscious behavior and unconscious behavior. The conscious behavior is under the control of humans and can always be manipulated to achieve our intents. However, the real behavior is the subconscious—it defies manipulation and holds the key to the true definition of individual traits. The subconscious is no doubt very powerful and if one doesn’t understand it in its wholeness, it can always be used against one. Related to this is the concept of the brain. The brain is popularly referred to as human mind in psychology. It drives human behavior. There are some chemical substances that aid its effective working, once there is damage to a part of the brain, it affects human behavior. Thus, this explains why some people freely commit crime without feeling remorseful.
Furthermore, the lesson finds that body language is used to lay emphasis. Where problem arises is when the verbal language doesn’t fall in line with the non-verbal. Thus, the law enforcement officer has a good reason to raise an alarm. The study concludes that body language cues should be read in clusters so as not to misinterpret signs. This is the only reliable way one can always arrive at a logical conclusion.
To know how to make people let out their secrets. Getting secrets from people is a very herculean task and can be discouraging in situations where the person is not forthcoming. In law enforcement, the secrets of a criminal are his greatest assets and when you get hold of them, the criminals become helpless. In a bid to get the deepest secrets from criminals, you have to be systematic. In this chapter, I will walk you through ways in which you have to go about it. Making people say their secrets is not enough; you must be able to use the secrets as a potent tool for them to confess. Making people to let out their secret is a two-way thing; you must feed them with some facts of your life. But in doing this, you need to be careful so as not to divulge your own personal details that can be used against you. Furthermore, you have an additional task of keeping secrets. One of our fundamental objectives in this chapter is to consider how secrets can be kept without affecting the mood of the other person. With an in-depth knowledge in revealing secrets, reading people’s body language is an indispensable part of every law enforcement officer.
How to master the secrets of body language. Every law enforcement officer who desires success in career must know how to rightly read people’s body language. It is a most essential requirement for a detective who aims at getting to the root of issues. As easy as body language reading might seem on the pages of books, it is a very complex concept that requires the dexterity of law enforcement officers to decode—you have to be vast and read wide. Our first focus in this chapter is to learn how master the hidden details of body language. Again, the concept of body language transcends conventional interpretations. For you to successfully engage hardened criminals, you must know beyond the ordinary and take them decisively. In the second segment of the lesson, we will peruse seven surprising truths of body language. These truths are expected to make you more knowledgeable and reveal some hidden details of criminal mind to you. In the following segments, I will make some distinctions between assertive and submissive body language and then, conclude by discussing the body language of women. In what ways are the body languages of women different from that of men? This question would be expertly answered in the chapter.
To have a full grasp of what behavior is. Although there are billions of people in the world but what gives each of us our unique identity is our behavior. To psychologists and by extension, every person thirsty for knowledge, knowing what behavior is becomes paramount to them. As law enforcement officers, we are not left out in this quest for the practical description of behavior because we deal with people from different backgrounds whose behavioral traits cannot be understood by mere glancing at them. Thus, our first preoccupation in this chapter is to what behavior is. Since behavior is what defines us, it invariably translates that it will wield some powers over our lives. So, our second point of perusal is to investigate how behavior affects human lives. No doubt, at a point or the other in life, we have labeled some people as either being good or bad with their behavior depending on how they conform to societal guidelines. Criminals are no doubt people with bad and unacceptable behavior. So, this chapter will answer the question: how can a behavior be changed? This and many others will be the learning points in the chapter.
To consider the historical perspective to body language. Those who rule the world are men who are unarguably vast in the knowledge of history. They study the past to compare the results with the present and then make deductions about the future. This shows that having the knowledge of the origin of body language as law enforcement officers is very crucial. Body language is culture-inclined and as such, undergoes tremendous changes as the culture evolves. Hence, our first point of engagement in the chapter is to know the place of history in knowledge-seeking adventure. The main point of our engagement in this section would revolve round how history has painted body language. Has body language been a useful investigative tool before now? What have been the successes of the method of investigation in the past? Can law enforcement officers rely on its prowess of the past in the present? All these would be answered during the course of our discussion in the book. The chapter would be ended by relating the present with the past. That is, we will investigate if there have been changes from what used to be obtained in the future and what is in vogue at the present moment.
To understand the human brain through conscious and subconscious behaviors. How effective individual brain is defines our effectiveness in the society. Many people have erroneously defined the brain to suit their purpose and we cannot just adopt any definition without subjecting it to scientific investigation. The hallmark of our discussion in the book is to establish points that have been proven by science as being true and worthwhile. So, the first question that will guide us in the chapter is: what is human brain? In order to properly understand the concept of behavior as it relates to the brain, it is divided into two basic parts—conscious behavior and subconscious behavior. The subconscious behavior is the automated human behavior that occurs without the knowledge of humans. It leaks the deepest parts of human secrets and this is the point law enforcement officers should always focus on. Thus, in this segment of our study, I will explicate what is meant by subconscious behavior. Then, the last aspect of the chapter will peruse what is meant by conscious behavior. People have always postulated that the conscious behavior can be easily manipulated. How can this be done and if it is done, how will law enforcement officers get to know this?
To know what the powers of the subconscious are. The subconscious mind is very powerful and it doesn’t hesitate to wield its power when duty calls. It is a reflex action which controls humans. The subconscious is an accumulation of past experiences stored in the brain which quickly recalls itself when faced with similar experiences in the future. The subconscious is known for not saving contradictory information—one has to be deleted before another can be saved. All these are done without our consciousness. The fight-or-flight action is another aftermath of the subconscious. So, our main preoccupation in the chapter is to first establish the structure of the subconscious mind, how it works and its nature. With this, we will be able to decisively engage other issues. However, the main thrust of this chapter is to reel out what the powers of the subconscious are. How do they affect a person’s behavior? Can the powers be rendered powerless? How are the powers connected to understanding the innate parts of a person’s mind? And does it have any correlation with body language?
To investigate the reason liars normally claim failed memory. In a bid to understand a criminal mind, our attention will also be based on the memory system. More often than not, when law enforcement officers engage criminal suspects in further investigations, they claim that they could not recall what they had said in the previous questioning sessions. This becomes baffling for the law enforcement officer because it makes the process very tedious and establishing facts against them becomes herculean. However, is this a deliberate act or there is a scientific explanation for it? In order to masterfully answer the question, we will first consider how the human memory is structured. That is, what is human memory and how is it designed to work? A satisfactory response to the above question will further lead us to the main thrust of the discourse—why liars find it difficult to recall their lies. In order to make it balanced, I will highlight both scientific and deliberate reasons this happens. To be truthful to ourselves, there have been times when we also found it difficult to recall what we said the time past. Does this translate to lies? Thus, this chapter promises to be engaging all through.
To understand the possible thoughts of a criminal. To start with, let me establish the point that we are NOT mind readers and the title of the chapter should not be erroneously taken as one. The main aim of the chapter is to reveal the human mind to us—the possible things that can dominate a criminal mind and spur them to do evil. First, we will explain what is meant by the human mind. Are we driven by our thoughts or we have some sort of control over it? Do we nurse thoughts or they spur out of the blues? A careful perusal of these questions will enlighten us and make us know the best way to engage criminal suspects in questioning sessions. When questions are asked out of context, it seems a huge advantage to criminals because it gives them a hiding place in their answers. The second point of our discussion is to engage how our mind is structured to work. What is the default setting of the human mind? How can be reset their mind to reflect their thoughts? The discussion in this chapter will be ended by engage the criminal mind. What actually goes on in the criminal mind?
To understand the place of limbic system legacy in crime perpetration. In furtherance of our perusal of the criminal mind, another essential part to consider is the limbic system legacy. The limbic system is a part of the brain structures located on both sides of the thalamus, immediately beneath the cerebrum. When trying to understand criminals, we must know their emotions and the limbic system is in charge of the emotions of people. When it is damaged, we are bound to behave against the norms of the society. So, we must first explain what the limbic system is—its default structure. Then, I will relay the limbic system to the criminal mind. In discussing the criminal mind, we must consider three factors—environment, medicine and genetics. How are they related to the brain structure and how do they affect a criminal? When some certain aspects of the brain are damaged, it affects the whole of the body system. In all, I will discuss the relationship between the brain and emotions.
To know what happens to the criminal before, during and after crime. The way criminals behave at each point of criminal situation is different. There are three stages of crime—before the crime, during the crime and after the crime. They understand that if the crime is not well-planned, there is high probability that they would be busted. While planning the crime, they have the highest assurances of succeeding and then proceed with it. So, our first point of consideration is to know what the behaviors of criminals are before perpetrating crimes. With this, we will be able to know the relevant questions to ask criminal suspects during investigations. Furthermore, there are some specific things to look out for in a crime scene. This seems to be the most important part of investigation. What are the things to look out for in a crime scene? What are the best ways to preserve crime scene evidence? All these would be explicated during the course of our study. In conclusion, we will discuss the after-crime events. That is, after a crime has been committed, what are the roles of law enforcement officers in arresting the perpetrators and establishing facts against them?
To reel out the blueprint of the subconscious mind. Our discussion of the subconscious is not yet complete; it plays a central role in understanding human mind. Since we have established the meaning and powers of the subconscious in the previous chapters, we aim to further our study by considering its blueprints. There is no argument about the fact that the subconscious is powerful and has many impacts on individuals. In the first segment of the study, we will highlight the impacts of the subconscious and how it relates to criminal mind. However, our main focus in this chapter would be on how the subconscious is related to body language. Let me shock you that body language is not a ‘language’. Confused? Don’t be! I will take out time to explain this in details during the course of our study. Before bringing the chapter to a close, I will talk about lie detection and the use of conventional ideas. The crime world is increasingly becoming complex and it only takes a dynamic and digital mind to have a full grasp of it. This invariably means you have to upgrade your knowledge and understand the intricacies of body language and that is what will be our focus of discussion here.
To understand the place of emphasis in body language. While some emphases are made just for the purpose of hurting others, others are made to foreground a point. When it comes to communicative context, emphasis is needed to drive home a point. However, this emphasis should not come in the form of verbal assertions but through non-verbal means. When what is being said is different from what is expressed through the body, this calls for concern and shows that something is amiss. Law enforcement officers are enjoined to compare the verbal expressions of criminal suspects with their body language in order to know the truth of their assertions. In this chapter, I will walk you through ways in which that can be done. However, you need to first understand message clustering. When body language clues are read in isolation, you are bound to miss out in the interpretation. Thus, you need to look for 3-5 clusters pointing at the same direction before you can reach a definite conclusion. The specific ones to look out for would be explicated during the course of our study. In conclusion, we will analyze how body language is used for emphasis.
To know what the limitations of body language are. In law enforcement, there is no method of detection that is sufficient on its own. They are interdependent and this shows that when a method is neglected over the other, it affects the quality of the outcome of investigation. Although we have been considering how body language can be of help in detecting crime but we must understand that it doesn’t happen on its own. As a first point of call, I will list seven basic limitations of the body language and explain how they truly affect the efficiency of the body language in crime detection. Furthering on that, we will consider some myths about body language. Another factor that has eaten deep into the effective reading of body language is that it is beclouded with countless myths. When law enforcement officers ignorantly buy into these myths, it makes them lose out on vital cases. Thus, I will explain 10 major myths and how they have turned the game against body language reading. Further, I will state ways in which you can do away with the myths and have a productive law enforcement life.
To reveal how criminals make use of body language limitations. Criminals are deadly smart and they are opportunists. When an opportunity slides into their hands, they take full opportunity of it and this is always at the detriment of the whole society. They seriously crave for loopholes from law enforcement officers that they can hide under. This allows them to commit crime and still walk freely. This is the ultimate aim of criminals—to continue in their evildoing and still be well integrated into the society. In this chapter, two main issues would be perused—how criminals use the limitations highlighted in the previous chapter and how they subvert the concept of body language as a whole. In order to properly understand this, I will use an interview setting to paint the scenario—different things criminal suspects do just in a bid to take attention off them to other things that don’t in any way matter. The chapter would be capped up with the use of verbal cues. Our attention is not only on non-verbal communication. Confession happens through the words of the mouth and until you get them to say the truth, the investigation cannot said to be productive. So, this chapter offers one of the most important pieces of information everyone needs.
To understand the place of culture in understanding body language. Body language cannot be understood out of context. It is context-based and when it is analyzed out of context, problem is bound to occur. In order to rightly analyze body language, you must take the culture of the subject into cognizance. This can be tedious and might be impossible to cover due to the numerous cultures in the world. However, a scientific explanation of the universal ones will prove a relevant guide to law enforcement officers. In the first segment of the study, we will engage with the cultural peculiarities of body language. I will reel out how the same gesture is interpreted differently in major cultures of the world. However, this is not to mean that there are no universal body language cues. In fact, the universal emotions of the face as researched by Paul Ekman have been worldly publicized. In this aspect of our study, we will consider the universal body language signals and how they can be used in detecting criminals.