
Online Learning

Personal development is an indispensable part of contemporary professional world. You must set yourself apart from your peers. The sector is crowded already and only those with distinguishing traits illuminate the path. At LPS Training Services, we help you to develop your potentials, nurse your goals and assist you in fulfilling your goals.

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Why is Training important ?

Training is important for every reason one can think of. Training is the act of learning, unlearning and relearning important concepts for the purpose of personal and career development. From this definition, it can be seen that training is anything that one does that contributes to one’s development. From the foregoing, if you ask the question again: why is training important? you will discover that it sounds odd. Training is what differentiates and classifies people. When you are about to hire a person out of two people, you can easily make your decision if either of them displays evidence of training.

Training is important because it enhances professional development. The labour market is becoming highly competitive daily and it is only those that have committed themselves to relevant seminars that can withstand the storm.

Further, it makes it easier for people to deliver on their responsibilities, leading to higher level of productivity. When it is evident that someone is highly trained and can work efficiently, managers try to keep such people under their watch through increased remunerations.

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What Differentiates Online Training from Classroom Training?

The world is fast evolving and it is just wise that anyone who wants to be continually relevant should move at the same pace with the development that comes with such changes. Before now, people used to gather at a given location to be trained. However, with the advent of technology, things are easier. Unlike before, you do not need to leave your office, home or hotel to be part of any training. Invariably, this means you can learn at your own pace and when it is convenient for you. The flexibility that online training offers has opened up opportunities to people that could have been hindered by workload to be part of traditional training which requires physical presence.

In addition, online training saves cost; the cost of travelling, booking accommodation and paying estacodes would be eliminated. Online training also affords you the opportunity to use other relevant materials during the course of studies to bolster the understanding of what you are learning.

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Is eLearning Good?

Well, from a general perspective, the answer is YES but from an individual perspective, the response might not be in the affirmative. ELearning has numerous advantages. With the aid of technology, participants of an e-learning session may be in different parts of the world and still have access to the same course contents. Perhaps, there is nothing as good as this. E-learning has made the aspirations of people become a reality with ease—now, people can participate in the seminars of their favorite teachers without having to spend much, unlike the old where they used to dream about such opportunities.

E-learning offers people the opportunity to learn at their own pace and enjoy the lecture. In a typical classroom situation, participants can’t assert total rights on the tutor but in this context, he or she may decide to take a break when bored before coming back to the lecture. E-learning gives participants the opportunity to confirm whatever they are being taught.

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What are the Benefits of E-Learning?

There are many benefits of e-learning for both the students and their tutors. The ease, simplicity and efficiency that comes with this method of learning is worthy of note. The first benefit of this learning method is accommodation; it opens door for the needs of all and sundry. Housewives, office goers, factory workers, security workers and other professionals can partake in the same course in their own convenience. While some learn every evening, others fix theirs for weekends.

In addition, e-learning ensures participants have access to updated contents on each concept. Under traditional learning method, once the materials are printed, there is no how they can be adjusted to accommodate new findings but reverse is the case when it comes to digital learning method.

Also, participants can take lectures more than once. In a typical classroom setting, once the tutor delivers his lectures, that is the end of it but in e-learning, you can watch the video multiple times in order to have better understanding of any given part of the topic.

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Why is E-Learning So Effective?

It is pure insanity to keep doing the same thing the same way and expect a different outcome. E-learning comes with a clear difference in teaching and delivery, thereby making it one of its kind on the space. E-learning is a solution-driven method of teaching and learning. Apart from aptly adopting all the techniques of traditional learning, it also comes with more options that mirror the needs of the people. For instance, participants can have an open interaction with their tutors after they might have gone through the lectures to ask questions, discuss in groups and act as a team. They can also see each during the process in order to read their non-verbal cues.

Further, e-learning is effective because participants would have had access to course syllabus and contents beforehand. This will make them prepare ahead of time. Since this means of teaching is scalable, organizers of trainings go extra miles to deliver to ensure they offer excellent services.

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What are the Advantages of E-Learning?

There is quick delivery of lessons. There are a lot of distractions with the traditional learning method; the tutor may easily be distracted which will affect the quality of delivery. Also, some participants may disrupt a traditional training session through asking of irrelevant questions or impotent arguments. However, all these distractions are bypassed in e-learning. Time as the most important resource of the world is prudently managed under this system of learning.

It ensures consistency. Many e-learning platforms understand the power of consistency, thereby making them go for a marketable and sellable brand. When you do something repeatedly, you become a force to reckon with in that particular field. Whatever will make the standard drop would be worked against.

It is fast and reliable. Imagine a multinational company about to pass a message to its branches, the fastest way for them is e-learning. This will also ensure uniformity. However, if different people were sent from the headquarters to go for traditional training, some things would be left out and this will affect their productivity.

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Why is Online Learning Better?

Without an intent to sound derogatory, it can be said that while traditional training is an archaic method of learning, online learning has rebranded learning, making it more charming, enthusiastic and workable. People now acquire professional degrees with ease due to the advantage offered by online learning.

Online learning reduces costs. For instance, people would have to travel long distances, spend on materials and other logistics to attend traditional trainings but online training is easy, flexible and cost-friendly. You can be at your dining table while receiving lectures.

Cost effectiveness contributes to the profitability of firms. Except in rare cases, firms do not sponsor employees on trainings where they have to travel again once such course can be learnt online.

Online learning is effective; the contents can be easily digested and processed for immediate implementation. There is no pressure on the learner; there is no need to impress anyone like a typical classroom case where participants will devise ways to outsmart each other instead of concentrating on the relevance of the training.

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