Publisher 2010 Advanced

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  • Publisher 2010 Advanced


Name Range Discount
Discount 1 - 1 0 %
Discount 2 - 5 15 %
Discount 5 - 9 25 %
Discount 10 - 24 50 %
Discount 25 - 49 65 %
Discount 50 - 200 75 %


Your participants will learn how to use the advanced features of Publisher 2010. This workshop is designed to teach you a basic understanding of Publisher 2010 in a practical way. This workshop incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. They will get a chance to practice some of the advanced features right on a computer.

Publisher is one of the Office suite’s hidden gems, offering you the ability to easily create any kind of publication – newsletters, business cards, menus, invitations, and much more! This course will take your participants through the basics of using Microsoft Publisher 2010. Highlights include using the new ribbon interface, setting up your business information, working with color and font schemes, using the new Getting Started Window, and using page masters.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Import text from another file
  • Work with Text Box Overflow
  • Use special characters
  • Work with tab stops
  • Insert the date and time
  • Convert pictures to watermarks
  • Make pictures transparent
  • Use the Graphics Manager Task Pane
  • Move, group, ungroup, align, distribute and order objects
  • Add an object for multiple pages
  • Use sound and motion clips with keywords
  • Use animated gifs
  • Create a data source, and address list and a mail merge
  • Track the effectiveness of marketing materials
  • Add postal bar codes to labels or envelopes
  • Create a catalog
  • Use the Design Checker to check for publication errors
  • Set Commercial Print Information
  • Send files via email
  • Save files as different formats, including XPS
  • Use the Pack and Go Wizard to prepare a publication for commercial printing