Early Childhood Behavioral Educator
A versatile and erudite scholar, Pavithiral Elangovan is one of the pioneer members of staff of LPS Training Services. Since the institution has been established, she has functioned in different capacities and contributed meritoriously to its development. At present, she is the trainer in charge of Early Childhood Behavioral Education.
The course is one of the major focus of LPS Training Services and that is why it is being handled by a competent and committed individual. Pavithiral had garnered teaching experiences in other similar companies before pitching her tent with this Firm. Her expertise, coupled with her unquestionable sense of responsibility and zeal has made her one of the most respected trainers in the Organization. Pavithiral is a lady of proven integrity who sacrifices a lot to get things done.
She is passionate about handling this course. Pavithiral is an unrepentant lover of kids, what they stand for and admires their thinking pattern. This untamed passion and her vast research into early childhood education has put her in the forefront of the discipline in Singapore and even in other countries of the world. She believes more in preventive teaching to redemptive ones. So, she has resolved to impart kids with the appropriate skills that will put them in the right path in life. The saying “Make hay while the sun shines” is her most cherished expression.
Pavithiral opines that children become what they are molded to be. To her, those who show negative attitude to work in their adulthood were never taught the concept ofwork ethics while they were young. She says children’s behaviors can always be changed, adjusted and trimmed without affecting their ambitions or who they are. Instead of experimenting children with their future endeavors, this trainer believes conscious efforts can always be made in preparing them for life-changing assignments.
Also, Pavithiral epitomizes patience. She understands that dealing with children requires patience and she has unconsciously imbibed this has a virtue. She is always caring and shows love to her trainees. Beyond what any book states, Pavithiral is absolutely practical about her knowledge impartation. She makes her classes real, paints the future as it should be and inspire the creativity in the kids to get prepared for the future. Her sessions with kids in Singapore and other select countries of the world have immensely transformed them. There is no gainsaying that Trainer Pavithiral has been one of the greatest assets of LPS Training Services.
In order to make her teachings more enticing to the kids and other people under her training sessions, she makes use of illustrations they can easily connect with and then, draws out a conclusion from them. Her classes are mostly amazing to learners based on how she expertly links the connection between behavior, childhood and industrial productivity together.
Pavithiral’s contributions in this regard and other crucial sectors have been solid pillars to the growth and efficiency of LPS Training Services. She does not believe in passing on the same, old and archaic knowledge to her listeners and that is why she reads wide daily to get herself acquainted with new discoveries and knowledge.